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"Hey gorgeous! How's it going?" I ask Ash once I'm inside the store, taking off my purse and jacket in the process.

"Good...thanks for asking." Ok...that was weird, she seems nervous and that could only mean either one of two things: She needs to leave early for some reason, or she broke something, and I think I know what the answer to that is.

"Pleaseeee don't tell me it was my new vintage lamp Ash! You know how long it took me to find one exactly like the Pinterest picture!" She looks at me horrified and starts shaking her head.

"It's not that, it's not that I swear. It's just that..." she sighs "I need you to cover for me today or call Michael in because I have an important errand to run". I look at her incredulously. Does she seriously think that after years of friendship she can lie to me like that? And worst of all, think I won't realize she's lying?

"Ashley Falcon, why didn't you tell me you had a date?" I ask, but it sounded more like a scream, and to be honest, it probably was.

"You know how bad it would make me feel to be out there having a good time while you are here working?" she asks like I'm dumb for even questioning it.

"Oh my god cut the shit, and go get ready, it's night shift on a Sunday, no one will come, and if they do, I can handle a couple of customers on my own. I know you would do the same for me so" I hold out a hand when I see her pouting like if she didn't expect me to understand, and now she is grateful, obviously I would understand, why does she think I'm her best friend? Asshole. "nope, don't even try, hug me later". At that moment the bell rings and looking over at the door I see that it's Bardon and some guy whose name I don't remember, but I think Ash showed me a picture of.

"Oh hey! I thought we were meeting at 10 o'clock" says A, and suddenly it clicks. I've been so focused on work the past few months that I didn't pay any attention to when Ashley talked about a new guy she had met a couple of months ago, and who she is 'kinda' dating, but now that I see how he looks at her, the 'kinda' is very one-sided. This man is head over heels for my BFF and I think she is too, she just doesn't know it yet. I feel really guilty and make a mental note to search tips for work alcoholic people because I'm in real need of some, now I can see it.

"It's 10 already hon" I wish I could take a picture right now because she is more RED than Taylor's Version, and I want to laugh so badly. This is my feminist, independent, extra-confident friend, and this guy has her whipped.

"Oh right, I totally knew that" She says and then focuses on me "Are you sure you'll be okay?" She looks genuinely worried, so I suppress the groan, and nod like 3 times while trying to push her out from behind the desk.

"Yes ma'am. I'll be done by 12 and see you at home in one piece" Then I lower my voice a little so only she can hear me "If you go home at all obviously" and just like that, tomato face slips through the door with her man, leaving me to deal with Bardon, who seems to be quieter than usual today.

I clear my throat and say "Sorry for taking so long. Did you need anything?"

He looks down at me and tilts his head to the side, which is a little bit cute I'll admit. His honey eyes scan my face, and I refuse to break eye contact because that would be like losing a battle with this guy, so I stare at him too.

His round lips part the tiniest bit, and why is it that men are always blessed with the longest eyelashes in the market? Honey-brown skin glows under the yellow light right on top of our heads, did I mention he has clear, perfect skin too? Like NOT FAIR should be his name. I realize this is not a stare-down anymore, but now I'm checking him out, and decide to lose this one and look away before he realizes.

Finally, he talks, though I which he wouldn't have in the first place "You know, I really enjoyed The Spanish Love Deception, and I was wondering if you could maybe recommend me another one similar. With the same vibe."

He has a smirk pasted on his face which I don't like one bit, but because he is a customer I nod and ask "Did you like anything specific in the book that you'd want in another one? The fake-dating trope is one of my favorites, so I know a lot of good recommendations." He shakes his head like saying 'no' and I add "It's just an idea. What else did you like about it?"

Dumb, dumbass question Ana. His smirk widens before he says, "You know...something like chapters 23, and 24. I'm really starting to discover another side of reading I didn't know, and I want to see more." I feel my cheeks going slightly pink because he is talking about the really spicy chapters. I decide to act professionally and nod my head with an 'of course'.

We spend a couple of minutes looking for books and me showing them to him so he can read the back. He decides to get a little basket to carry all of them and in the end, the guy really seems invested in seeing more. I don't know how to feel about that, or if I should feel any way at all. My overthinking is kind of kicking in right now.

Our bookstore is basically Romance and mostly women come over, because men (sometimes people in general) are shitty, simple reason, and fictional characters are not. So, seeing Bardon with a basket full of romantic, spicy books, makes me wonder if maybe he is trying to learn something, like what women enjoy, since most of them are written by women. What makes me wonder something else...who is he learning all of this for? Not that I care, but curiosity killed the cat, right? Never mind, that was not a good thing to think about in this situation.

"I can't believe we never talked in high school" I stop dead in my tracks with my back towards him and a copy of The Sweetest Oblivion in one stretched hand. He really did catch me off guard, I have no fucking clue of what to say. Make an excuse? Tell the truth? Ask why he didn't talk to me either if he can't believe it?

I'm pretty much the same as I was. Obviously, I grew a lot and I look like a woman and not a teenager now, though I graduated 5 years ago, I still have some acne scars over my face, I wouldn't if I hadn't touched them so much back then, but I've come to love them with time, they are not deep or anything, just small red spots over some parts of my cheeks. I still have the same blond wavy hair; I still love to read (shocking I know).

"I don't know what you want me to answer to that" I say honestly turning around and giving him the book that was in my hands.

"I wasn't really expecting you to though," he continued like he didn't even hear me referring to us never talking "we were practically in two different worlds back then." I raise a brow "Okay, now too" he says with a smirk.

"It's normal, people tend to stick to what comforts them, especially teenagers. I didn't even think you knew me" I say, and I am being genuinely honest right now.

"Oh, I knew you, I sure did" the way he says those words shouldn't make me feel like this. It's weird because I think I don't know him at all, but at the same time, I like it, not knowing makes me want to figure out all those missed spots...my smile fades instantly, and I look away from his intense stare...until all the missed spots are filled, and the truth destroys the dream, like always.

Clearing my throat to cut the sudden tension in the air I say "There you have them. They are all amazing books, some better than others honestly, but I tried finding a lot of different plots for you so you can..." I pause for a second trying to choose the right words "discover more".

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