Halloween ( percico!!)

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Nico's POV

It was Halloween night and I was going trick or treating with the 7 ONLY because Reyna had convinced me.

It was kind of a rough time because Percy and Annabeth had just broken up and Piper and Jason had just gotten back together after a few months.

I'm really excited only because tonight might be my night.

Percy's POV

I didn't really know what I wanted to be because me and Annabeth had done a couples costume every year since we started dating. But I decided on a fish. You can't blame me!

It's been a while since me and Wise girl had broken up but I think I'm moving on.

I think I like Nico.

Time skippy ( I'm on the bus and kinda wanna finish idk)

Nicos pov
We disused we were gonna meet up at Percy's house. Go figure it was blue and when he opened the door he had a fish costume on. So Percy. Then once everyone was there we set out. The first few houses were cool then we got this house it was kinda like a maze and you had to get though it to get the candy. "Go through the maze to get the candy you desire!" The lady who opened the door said. We walked it Percy running ahead so he can get the candy first.

As we turned the first corner there was a jump scare. Percy got so scared that he jumped and landed in my arms. There was a g lot of that as we went through the maze.

Then we finally turned the corner and there was the candy. And Percy took anything that was blue. And everyone took the amount of 4 but Piper took like 10 because she can charmspeak her way out of it.

After we finished trick or treating we went back to Percy's house and started to watch a movie. Piper charmspeaked us into watching the hunger games so that's what happened. I chose the bean bag and Percy basically was sitting on top of me and Reyna was behind me she kept tapping me in the head and smiling at me. I think she was trying to piss me off.

After we watched all 4 movies it was to late to drive home. So Percy said we could spend the night and everyone found rooms. The only bed left was the couch by the time everyone had picked a place. But Percy didn't go to his room he stayed right where he was on the bean bag.

"Do you wanna watch another movie?" Percy whispered. "Sure! What would we watch?" I couldn't help but be enthusiastic. This is what I really wanted was some time with Percy.

Time skippy

We were about half way through the movie when I couldn't take it anymore.

It was a romantic part of the movie and the two main characters were about to kiss so I looked at him and he looked at me and I crashed my lips with his.

It was passionate like we have been dating for years. To my surprise he was kissing back. After being there for a while I pulled away. Breathless I was absolutely breathless.

He looked at me with his sea green eyes and he whispered "I've wanted to do that for forever." Then he crashed his lips with mine again. We ended up tumbling off the bean bag and onto the ground. "This is amazing" I mumbled it to the kiss " It truly is." He said pulling away.

"Nico Di Angelo  will you be my boyfriend?" He said we were still laying on each other on the ground. "Of course!" I exclaimed.  As we settled back down in the bean bag and finished the movie I fell asleep on top of him and drifted of into a dream.

Okay guys I just really wanted to do this and procrastinated till the day of the holiday and I realize as i finish this it is super cliche. My new goal is to profect my one shot writing by the time next Halloween roles around.

Love you lots!!


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