Christmas - Jeyna

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Twists: same as the last one
Jason's POV

It was getting to the Christmas break where we didn't have to train and we could just chill. I was waiting for Reyna outside of the arena. She always tries to get last minute training in.

When she walked out she jumped in surprise.

Reyna POV

I saw Jason as soon as I walked out of the arena and he scared the crap out of me. "Damn Jason!! Why do you always scare the shit out of me!!" "If I always do then you'd think you'd see it coming." He remarked but it wasn't sassy. Like he was trying to crack a joke and i smiled at that.

I rolled my eyes and we walked side by side.

"What do you want to do this year for Christmas?" Jason asked "We could go sledding, go get coffee..." he rambled on but I tuned him out. I know it's not the nicest thing to do but I couldn't help but thinking about what Christmas would be like if we were in a different relationship, and romantic one even.

"Earth to Reyna!" Jason yelled wavering his hands in front of my face. " Sorry," I mumbled

"Your thinking about something. You can tell me what it is you know!" He said "I need to think it over more." I said

"C'mon! You can tell me anything! You know that." He said I could tell he was really trying not to pry but wanted awsers. " I was thinking about doing something different this year." "What did you have in mind?" He asked. Great now he's interested. " I don't know?" I asked I wasn't sure how to word it.

Jason's POV

"Okay what haven't we done yet?" I started to think I needed something she loved because I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend while we were doing our special activity. I thought it would be romantic enough. "Camping! We could go camping!"
"That's a great idea! You wanna leave tomorrow?"

"Sure!" Yes I did it! "K' I'll see you tomorrow! I'm gonna go pack!" And with that she ran off.

Reyna's POV

It was bright and early in the morning. I sat up groggily and realized I was going camping with Jason today. "Crap." I muttered to my self as I checked the clock. I had slept in. I jumped out of the bed to get ready and ran out of my barracks with my supplies to go find Jason.

"Hey!" Jason yelled when he saw me "sorry I'm late." I said "It fine! Did you sleep in?" " Yeah maybe a bit to long." I admitted "Its fine let get going." He grabbed my hand and we went out into the woods.

Jason's POV

It was mid afternoon and we stopped to eat. We sat down on the ground and started to eat. "This is fun." She said "We souls do it more often." When she looked up I had never seen anything like it. The light cast on her and made her copper colored skin beautifully, her dark eyes had become a shade light mer in the light, and the wavy wisps of her dark hair flowed down the sides of her face like a dark sea.

This was the moment. I was going to ask her.

"Reyna?" I said looking her in the eyes

"Yes?"  She replied

"I've been thinking about this for a long time and how I wanted to ask you. You are an amazing girl and I think I know who I want to be with for the rest of my life. Reyna, will you be my girlfriend?" " Yes!" She yelled and jumped into my arms and had our first kiss. Her lips were soft and gentle. When we pulled away she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

"I love you." She whispered "I love you more!" I replied "Well, I love you most" and we kissed again as the started to set in the late afternoon behind us.

Okay y'all another one-shot done! I'm really excited to get back to Beyond the Breaking Point! I think I now have any idea for what I want to do! See you guys in my other fanfics! Also if your bored I have another fanfic going that I found in the notes of my iPhone I decided to publish it! Hope you enjoy!

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