Part 1: Good News

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The burning village vanished from Lucian's mind when he was gently shaken awake. His hand went for his knife as his eyes snapped open to see Marco and the yellowing leaves of the surrounding trees. The older man leaned over him and whispered, 'The lookout spotted, a messenger coming from the rally point.' The morning sun glinted off the rust and bloodstain of his iron helmet. Lucian had watched Marco's peppered hair turn completely grey throughout this campaign.

'Wake the rest of the unit and get them on guard. It could be another trick to draw us out.' Lucian got to his feet as Marco sauntered off. Lucian strapped on his armor and put on his helmet. He felt the rough leather hilt of his sword at his side. He crept down the small draw, they camped in because it was out of the way. The thick brush made for a good hiding spot, but a terrible night's sleep. It's been a fortnight since the rain stopped and the muddy ground was hardening, but the bugs hadn't relented. He adjusted the breastplate he wore. It never fit quite right because he looted from a village they had torched.

Lucian kicked Severin's boot who was sprawled out on the ground. He sat up in a heap and looked around in a daze before spotting Lucian. 'What's happening, Boss,' Severin said with a groan.

'We got an unexpected visitor. Get everyone on guard. It could be another trap. I'm taking Kane and Vincent with me to investigate. If it goes to shit, take them north deeper into the woods.' Lucian waited until Severin nodded his acknowledgment. Lucian grabbed Vincent, who was already awake and was sharpening his sword. They walked over and woke Kane with a firm shake. Lucian and Vincent help Kane grab his gear before they crept out of the draw. They hurried down the hill towards the ridge that overlooked the trail.

'Kane, get up the tree, be ready with your bow, and stay out of sight until I give you the signal.' Lucian pointed to the largest tree that overlooked the road.

'Yes, Serge,' Kane said before he crept towards the tree and started climbing.

'Vincent, head over and keep a lookout for the messenger. Give me a signal when you see them.' Lucian turned away, but quickly turned back, 'And for the gods' sake, stay hidden until I give you the signal.' Lucian watched Vincent nod and sneak off. He waited until everyone was in position and waited until silence returned to the forest.

It was sooner than he thought when Lucian got the signal. He crawled to the side of the tree and listened. He could hear the distance footstep approach. He readied his sword and unhooked the wooden shield from his back. Lucian got to his feet and step out from behind the tree onto the path. The young tanned man with dirty brown hair was wearing a bright blue and yellow tabard but had a Kingdom of Ponterram crest. He jumped in surprise at Lucian's sudden appearance.

'Why is someone under Sir Otto's banner delivering a message to us?' Lucian asked, keeping his shield raised.

'Uh well, the Minister of War tasked Sir Otto to inform all Ponterram soldiers that the war is over. Anyway, we may serve under different lords, but we are countrymen and...' The young man was on the verge of rambling.

'Enough!' Lucian cut him off. The young man's story made sense. A part of him worried that he heard him wrong. "Can it finally be over." He signaled for his men to come out. 'Wait until my subordinates are here and then you can relay the full message.' Vincent sauntered down the trail and He could hear Kane climb down the tree. 'Now, deliver your message,' Lucian said as Kane stumbled onto the trail beside Vincent.

The young man unfurled a parchment and read, 'greetings from his majesty, King Calvin the Second. The peace treaty between the Eastern Empire of Sei and the Kingdom of Ponterram has been signed. All conflict will cease on the autumnal equinox.'

'What! That was over two weeks ago. I mean, just last week we burned....' Kane blurted out before Lucian stopped with a hand gesture. It was lucky that the messenger turned and looked at Kain, not noticing Lucian's movement.

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