Part 3: Oath Fulfilled

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It had rained in the afternoon as they walked down the road. It started lightly but gave way to a downpour. Their clothes became heavy and cold as they became soaked. "Just need a bar of soap now." Lucian thought as the plains transformed into a forest. Mud bubbled up through the gaps in the stone road. The road was drenched in mud as the day grew long. As the grey sky grew darker, they went into the woods to camp for the night.

A few of the Soldiers tried to start a fire in the wet forest, but all they got were puffs of smoke. Lucian checked on the guards before he turned in for the night. The wind blew through the trees, sending a collective shiver through the group. Lucian threw some cut branches on the ground between two large roots of a tree. It was going to be a chilly night; he thought as leaned against the tree brought his knees to his chest. His shield rested on his legs as his hand lightly grasped his sword hilt like a child with their blanket. It made him feel safe in the darkness of the woods.

'Maybe I should teach you the same lesson as those villagers. You can't just walk away from fulfilling your oath.' Sir George held Lucian's head firmly in his grip. He tilted it to Lucian's face to one side as he leaned in. George looked at the small "S" burned behind his ear. 'That old miller may have bought your freedom, but it'll never change what you are. I could gut you right now and no one could do a thing about it.' Lucian struggled in vain against the steel gauntlet. 'Better yet, why don't pay a visit to that lass waiting for you. Lucian stopped struggling as George's face became more sinister. 'What was her name, Isabella? I'm going to have a...'

It happened in a flash of red as Lucian slammed his fist into George's gleaming face. The force almost knocked him off balance. George was expecting Lucian to fight back, but the blow was too quick. Before George could recover from the blow, Lucian grabbed his collar and slammed his head into his nose. George staggered backward and raised his sword upwards to skewer him, but Lucian kicked his wrist. The blow knocked the sword out of his hand, Lucian stepped forward, putting his full force behind his fist. George's feet went out from underneath him. As he hit the ground, Lucian lept on top of him. George screamed, 'Help, get this bastard off of me.'

Nobody moved as Lucian in a primal fury pummeled George's face until it was unrecognizable. Lucian's fists ached, covered in blood as the red left his vision. He looked down at his hands and the bloody mess underneath him. Lucian could hear murmurs around him. ', someone,' George cried out in nothing more than a whisper.

"I have to kill him," Lucian thought as he played out his own execution in his head. He pull his dagger from his sheath and slit George's throat without hesitation. Lucian waited as the man below him writhed in agony before going still. He wiped the blade clean and put it back. The woods were silent as he stood up and looked around as gathered soldiers. He looked at Severin, 'get these soldiers packed up. We're moving deeper in the woods. We can't go home if we're deserters, but this place won't become our grave.'

'Will do, Boss.' Severin looked past Lucian to the knight's lifeless body. 'Shame about the commander, killed in an enemy ambush.'

'Yeah,' Lucian said without hesitation.

'Get your ass' moving,' Severin said as he turned to the crowd. 'Get your shit packed before the army gets here and flay you alive.'

Lucian woke up slowly, still unable to see anything in the dark woods. It wasn't raining anymore, but he was still soaking wet. He waited for the light, his shivering kept him awake. The sky grew lighter as Lucian walked around the camp. He slapped the sleeping guard on the back of the helmet. 'Never sleep on guard duty,' Lucian chastised. 'Lives could've been lost with that kind of carelessness.'

'It was so dark, I couldn't see a thing, anyway.' Owens said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Lucian shoved him off the fallen tree he was sitting on. 'Be thankful it was me who caught your dumbass. If it was Severin or Alma who caught you, they would beat your ass until everyone was ready to head out.' Lucian continued, even though he realized his mistake. "They're gone." 'Even worse, if any bandits caught you sleeping.'

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