Part 2: Cairn

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The dark green canopy grew brighter as they began hacking their way through the forest. The morning dew hung on almost every leaf and branch. Lucian walked to the front of the column after making sure everyone was ready to move. The two at the front had hacked a path through thick brush. Lucian checked the compass every so often to make sure they kept the right general direction each time they had to weave around the trees.

Progress was slow, but a little past midday the brush had become sparser. They quickened their pace and a few hours later; they were climbing a small hill out of the forest. Lucian walked near the edge of the hill and looked out over the plains. He stayed near the brush so unfriendly eyes didn't find him. There were groves of trees that dotted the plains below, with small streams running through them.

'A few more days and we'll be out of the Eastern Empire and back in Ponterram.' Severin said as he walked up to Lucian. The other Soldiers were resting or talking as a few others were on lookout duty.

'Yeah,' Lucian lifelessly responded.

'Hell, never thought I'd run into overgrown talking mutts.' Severin said with a chuckle. It didn't surprise Lucian that Severin didn't care about their comrades dying. He and most of the soldiers left weren't shy when it came to raiding villages.

"We left twenty-five of our comrades to rot in the woods." Lucian thought as he looked over at him, thinking about slamming his fist into his face. Lucian played out the scenario, knowing he'd win the fight, but only gain resentment from the exchange. 'Did you hear them as well?' Lucian replied.

'Yeah, those mutts gave the same message at each camp. I asked Alma and Marco and was told the same thing. By my estimation, there were at least one hundred and fifty of those things in the woods.'

'It's unnatural how many of them gathered in one place,' Lucian said. 'I should never have tried to cut through those cursed woods.'

'Eh,' Severin said as he shrugged his shoulders. 'Boss, sometimes things go to shit. But, look at the bright side. At least we got more than enough food to get to Cairn.'

'Home for you, isn't it?' Lucian said, wanting to change the subject.

'Surprised you remember, boss. I never consider it home, but it's where I grow up,' Severin replied.

'How did you describe it again?' Lucian paused, letting the words come to him. 'It's where you learned to survive and kick the shit out of anyone in your way.'

'Yeah, if you're in the wrong streets, it can be rough,' Severin said as he scratched his head. 'but you learn to love it. Don't look so worried boss,  we would've all died months ago because of that idiot. He was more than willing to get himself killed and take us with him. We were lucky you took charge, just like we were lucky last night.' The words were too kind and unusual for Severin. 

Lucian heard similar sentiments from others but didn't think it would come from him. He relaxed his tense face, slipping back on his relaxed smile. 'Thanks, but we can't stumble when we're so close to the prize. Speaking of, I better go check on the others.' Lucian paused as he looked back at the camp. 'Before I get some sleep, I got the last shift tonight.' He turned to walk away.

'Hey, boss. We're almost back and once we get paid, we can finally start living our own lives.'

'Almost,' Lucian shouted backward. The smile disappeared as soon as he turned away.

'Thanks, but we can't stumble when we're so close to the prize.' Lucian said before walking into toward the group

"Not much of us left," Lucian thought as he walked through the camp, checking on different Soldiers until he sat down next to Alma. They had taken off their boots and were airing their feet. 'How are you holding up?' They leaned back and took a deep breath.

To Keep An OathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz