Getting the Gang Involved

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Sodapop jumps up and runs to my side, "Bay what's wrong? Why isn't Dallas here? Does he know you're upset."

"Da-Da-Dallas......Ch-Cheated......on......m-m-m-m-m-m-me," I choke out after a few minutes of silence. 

 "I'm gonna kill him," Darry stands up angerily. "Nobody hurts my little sister."

"No!" I sob out. "Please, I love him."

"Why?" Pony asks. "Why do you love him."

Steve, Two-bit, and Johnny all look up at me waiting for my answer. I look at them and simply say, "I don't know."

"You have to know why you love him," Johnny whispers.

"No, I don't. I just do," I admit as the door swings open.

I whip my head around to Dallas standing there, "Basil."

I go to run, but Steve stops me, "Steve! What are you doing?"

"You two have to work this out," he states. "Plus Dallas loves you and you know he loves you. Why are you running."

"Steve let me go," I stuggle to get out of his strong grasp.

"Basil please just listen," Dallas pleads.

I look up and start to feel faint. This is all just too much to handle. The whole gang is yelling eveyrbody is saying stuff and cursing. The room is spinning. "Darry," I gasp out.

Darry comes rushing to my side as I cry, "what's wrong Basil?"

"I'm gonna," I close my eyes to stop my head from pounding, but when I open them again the spinning room is dark and blurred as my head pounds. 

"You're gonna what?" Darry asks.

"Basil?" Soda asks.

"Are you okay Bay?" Pony asks concern laced in his voice.

I blink my eyes rapidly trying to help my vision, but nothing is working and before I can get out another word everything goes black.
"Get out of my house!" Is what I wake up to, but my eyes are still closed and my head is still pounding. 

"Why should I?" I recongnize that voice as....Dallas.

"Because it's our house and Darry said so," Ponyboy?

"Just leave!" I know that's Sodapop. "You hurt her enough."

"Why should he leave and not Basil?" Steve? "He was here first and we all know she left us to go out and party."

"Wow! Low blow Stevie," Soda says. He's the only one who calls Steve, Stevie.

"Whatever," Steve says.

"Just leave!" Darry yells.

"I know when I'm not wanted, but I ain't leaving until I see Basil. What she saw was the end of something. I promise," Dallas swears.

"I don't believe you," Soda says."Why should we believe anything you say?"

"Because I love her," his voice breaks.

"If it was the end then why were you there?" Ponyboy asks. "Huh?"

"I don't think it's fair to end things with Sylvia over the phone. Basil changed me. She made me a better man and one of the things she taught me is to be respectful to women. Any women even if she doesn't deserve it," Dallas explains which is true. "Just please give me another chance."

"I'm sorry, but no," Darry says. "Just get out of here."

"Johnny? Two-bit? Steve?" Dallas asks as if asking who;s side they're on. Why is he making the gang choose? This makes no sense.

"I'm going with Dallas? Two-bit? Steve?" Johnny's voice says.

"I guess so," Two-bit agrees. "I thought we'd always stick together. Not cool Dar. Not cool. Steve?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what Basil expected. He's Dallas Winston," Steve states.

"Really Stevie?" Soda's voice cracks.

"I'm sorry man," he sighs.

"Can I go too Darry?" Pony asks.

"No!" Darry yells. "Do you really wanna ditch Basil? She's our sister."

"She chose drugs over us once. I wanna hang out with the people who were always there for me. I love her and all, but.... I'm sorry Darry," Pony speaks up.

"Fine," Darry says angerily. "Go out and I'll just explain it to your heartbroken sister that you chose Dallas over her because, you're still judging her from her past."

"And you're not?" Pony asks. "We all do and she's passed out. She'll never know."

I decide to show Pony I know what he thinks. I get up and walk into the other room to see the gang standing around arguing, "really? I guess I'll never find out that you all think about me as a drug attict."

"I'm sor-" Pony starts.

"You know what? No!" I yell. "You made your choice. You all did and I hope you're happ with the one you chose. I'll see ya later Darry and Sodapop. At least I have two loyal brothers and no loyal friends."

"B-" is all Pony gets out before I'm gone. 

I know exactly where I'm going and who I'm seeing. I don't care anymore. I walk over to a familiar door and all the flashbacks come flooding back. All the drugs. The beer. The parties. The hook-up. The gossip. The fake friends. Everything. I hesitate thinking about my girls, but I still end up knocking on the door. After a few seconds the door is open and the smell of alcohol hits me like a brick wall. All I hear is yelling, screaming, blasting music, and moaning. I look in to see people doing drugs, smoking cigarettes, pounding down shots, drinking beer, dirty dancing, making-out, and much worse. I look up to see very familiar eyes, "I never thought I'd see you here again Basil. What made you change your mind?"

"Please Dez, call me Addison," I smile.

"Welcome back........Addison," she smirks. 

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