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It's been five months since I left Tulsa and now I'm going back with the girls and my new boyfriend, Micah. The first place I'm stopping is the DX. I turn to Micah, "lets go back to Tulsa!"

"Are you sure you got this and you want to go back?" He asks. "You're gonna see Dallas."

I want to see Dallas. I love Dallas Winston. He is my husband, the love of my life, my true life, and the father of my daughters. I want to him. I love him. "I know I'm gonna have to see him and I'm ready to see him. I miss Tulsa."
"Okay MIcah," I smile as I peck his lips. "Thank you so much and I'll stop by your place later. I love you. Goodbye."

"Bye babe," he smirks as he walks off.

The first place I go is the DX and I see Sodapop. I run into the DX, "Sodapop!"

When he hears my voice he happily whips his head to be facing me, "Basil!"

I run into his arms and he wraps them tightly around my small torso, "I've missed you so much Soda! How's Darry? How's the gang? How's Dallas? Where is he? How's Ponyboy? Does he still think of me as a drug attic? Spill everything....Oh yeah! I love you."

"First off, I love you too," he smiles as we pull away. "I've missed you a ton too. Darry has been stressed out not knowing where you are, what you're doing, if you're alive and everything like that, but he'll be very happy to see you. You look gret actually. How are you? Did you stay sober in Jersey? The gang is still in full blown war, certain people aren't allowed in the Curtis house anymore. Dallas just got out of jail when he found out you left he went insane and almost got killed. He's dating another girl now, but he's back to the old Dallas from before you came back. I don't know where he is he ain't allowed at the Curtis house anymore. He's probably at Buck's with girl. Ponyboy is a wreck. He blames himself for everything that happened with you and he hopes you forgive him. He changed sides though, he's on your side now. He thinks of you as broken and in need of help, but he doesn't know how."

"Wow," I gasp. "A lot of things sure have changed. What is the 'war' over?"

Before Sodapop starts he takes a deep breathe, fter you left Darry and Dally got into a fight over you and everyhting that happened with you. Dally went of and yelled, 'everybody on the bitch's side in other words Basil's side can just stay here, but the right side in other words my side come with me and lets make some trouble.' Dally got everybody, but the Curtis brothers and they all ended up in jail at the end of the night even Johnnycakes, but we bailed Johnny out and he joined our side, but Two-bit and Steve are still in jail. Dallas got out fot good behavior while the other two got time added for bad.The gang is in pieces."

"Wow. Did I cause it all?"

"No, it was mainly Dallas. He shouldn't of went off on Darry like that and he shouldn't of cheated. It didn't start because of you, but because Dallas cheated on you. Now the whole gang is in a war because of him because he made side and he divided the gang which was messed up. He ain't a good person Bay and I don't know what to do about him at this point. He's out of control."

"Okay good. Why is he so out of control? What happened to him? I just I don't know anymore. I don't want the kids around him."

"I know Basil, I wouldn't want them around him either. It's hard to deal wtih. He's so out of control because, you left. When he found out he got everybody jailed and it wasn't good. I don't know when he got out, he started sleeping around again, he started to drink to much again, and I even saw him high a few times. I don't know, but when you left something switched in his mind and it wasn't good. I don't know what else to saw about him. He's trouble and worse than when we first met him. I don't want Ponyboy around him and thank god he's not."

"I have to go find!" I shriek. "Pleeease watch the twins. I need to find Dallas. I love him. He needs to know I'm here for him. I can't have him out there killing himself. What if he dies Sodapop. I don't hink I could take that."

"I'll watch the twins, but be careful, he's dangerous Bay," Soda warns me.

I look at him with a slightl smile and give out a small giggle, "this is me we're talking about. I mean, he loves me."

"Okay, just be careful. I love you," he grabs the girl from my hand.

"I will. Love you too!" I yell as I run out of the DX.

I have to find Dallas. I have to save him. There's hope for us! He chnaged when I left because, of a broken heart and I can fix it. I hope he lets me though. What am I thinking? Of course he'll let me. We love each other.

I have to find him!

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