The Choice

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I look at my daddy as the tears stream ruthlessly down my bright red, tears strained, puffy, blotchy, cheeks, "I want to go back home. I want to see Dallas. I want to be a mother. I want to work things out with Dallas. I'm so sorry."

He hugs me tightly, "no,my sweets it's okay. Wanna go see your mommy?"

I nod my head before hearing a women's voice, "hello my little angel."

"Mommy?"My voice cracks.

"Hi my little angel," she smiles as I hug her tightly. "Oh how I've missed your hugs."

"I've missed yours too," I reply honestly. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too angel," she replies. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry this much maybe when we died, but listen to mommy Basil. Mommy wants what's best for you and so does daddy. No more parties or drugs or drinking. You are a mother now and a great one. You and Dallas are gonna work things out, I know you will. He's good for you Basil...most of the time. Please watch as Kendall and Chloe grow. I bet ya Kendall will be just like me and Chloe your father. I love you my angel."

"Thank you mommy," I smile slightly even the tears won't stop knowing this is goodbye. "Goodbye mommy, I love you so much and I'm gonna really miss you."

"Goodbye my little angel. I love you too so so so much. I'm also gonna miss you a lot. You've grown into a fine young women," she hugs me letting a few tears slide down her cheeks. "Now go say goodbye to your father. Darry is a lot like your father."

I run over to my dad hugging him tightly as I cry in his arms, "I love you oh so much daddy. I'm gonna reall really really miss you daddy, but this is goodbye."

"No, it's not," he shakes his head. "It's see ya later because, I am gonna see you one day. I love you more than you will ever know my sweet sweet girl. I'm gonna miss you more than you can ever think of missing me my sweet sweet girl. You are just like your mother though. I'll see ya later. Are you ready to see your family?"

"Yea," I smile as I wipe away tears. "I'll see ya later daddy. Bye mommy!"

"Wait!" I hear somebody gasp. "I think she's waking up."

My eyes flutter open to see the whole gang standing there along with my two sleeping angels, "hey guys. How long was I out?"

"Only about a day and a half," Soda smiles recklessly as he walks over to me. "How was your little cat nap?"

I look up at the ceiling knowing mom and dad are watching over, "actually really really good."

"Well that's good because you gave all of us a heartattack," Two-bit jokes.

"Ha ha ha," I fake laugh. "Very funny Two-butt."

"Ooooh!" The gang laughs.

"Where's Dallas?" I ask.

"He ain't takin' it so easy," Soda speaks up. "He thinks your gonna die. He can't stay in here for more than an hour without loosing it. He just left, but he'l-"

I hear a gasp from the hallway, "Basil?"

"Hi Dally," I smile.

"Basil!" He yells as he runs in here hugging me lightly. 

"Hey Dall'," I blush. "I've really missed ya."

"I really missed ya too," he smirks as he looks down at me. "You're really prettty. Ya know?"

"Thanks," I blue even worse than before.

"Uh do you wanna talk?" He asks.

"I think we need to," I sigh.

"Okay," he smiles before turning to the gang. "May we have a moment?"

"Okay," they walk out leaving Dally and I to ourselves.

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