Chapter 14: Happiness

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My skin feels heavy, almost like I was an intruder in my own body. With every step I take, I feel my heart beat against my rib cage, trying it's best to escape.

I wasn't sure how I should go about things, since I've never been in this situation before. I thought about writing out my thoughts, but realized I was wasting time I didn't have. I've never felt comfortable with the idea of someone being upset with me, but for some reason I keep messing it up with Jeremy.

I've tried so hard to keep everyone around me happy but slowly I'm starting to realize that I can't do that. I just don't think I know who's happiness I want to put first at this moment.

"So I told him, if you wanna see my feet you gotta pay for that shit." Melissa says to Tina as my feet carry my body towards them. I shake my head, deciding to ignore their intriguing conversation and sit down next to them on the couch. As I make myself comfortable, Melissa and Tina both turn to look at me like I've grown a second head.

"Have you guys seen Jeremy?" I ask softly as I twiddle with my own fingers, trying to distract myself from the tension building in the room.

"Why should we tell you?" Melissa scoffs and rolls her eyes as Tina stays silent.

"He's my boyfriend." I stay strong, trying my best to stand up to the girl I've almost feared my whole life. Nothings scarier than knowing there's someone in this world who holds so much power over you that their words make you cry.

I never knew what I precisely did to Melissa to make her despise me. Ever since we were kids, she would walk around with her nose touching the clouds and her eyes reaching the back of her head. She'd call me names and never wanted to be around me, but I never understood why.

"What ever, he's outside with Jake." Melissa shakes her head disapprovingly and dismisses me as she turns her whole body away from me.

I nod my head and get up from the couch, deciding to say nothing. Sometimes all you have to do is stay silent and accept the situation. I don't thank Melissa and I don't comment on her attitude, knowing neither of those are worth it. I turn around and begin to walk away from Melissa and Tina.

"You don't deserve him," I hear Tina speak out, making my feet freeze to the ground. I turn around where I stand and watch Tina. Her eyes piercing with sadness and anger as she stares at me.

Realization of Tina's harsh words hit me like a pile of bricks. I feel the lump in my throat surface as my skin begins to itch. I force the small specs of tears to stay out and not reveal themselves to the world.

"I know." I whisper, knowing that if I speak any louder the tears will spill without my consent.

"And he knows it too." Tina's sadness begins to look more and more like anger as she grits her teeth and knits her brows together. "But he still wants you."

I stand where I am, not saying a singe word, knowing there's nothing I can say to justify the situation. Because I truly agree with Tina's words.

"It's just sad that he loves someone who's clearly in love with someone else." Tina says as an angry tear falls down her pure skin.

As the words leave Tina's lips, my mouth falls open and brows knit together in complete shock and confusion. My heart begins to beat even louder as I fear it might just break my bones.

"What? I- I don't-" I begin to stammer as I feel my sadness be replaced with confusion. I clear my throat and take a deep breath. "I don't understand."

Tina wipes her tear and scoffs, all sadness leaving her face. "Even Jeremy sees that you're in love with Elias and it sucks that he still won't leave you."

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