Chapter 7 Casino Time

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They got to the casino and they went inside. They all started playing on the machines and playing different games. Jen and David stayed together the whole time walking around. They all played pool together for a long time until it was about 6pm when they decided to get some food in the restaurant next door. They all got steaks and had a glass of wine with their food.  When they had finished they went back to the casino to play some more. They all went to the bar in the casino and had some shots. They got a bit tipsy before going back into the main bit and started playing games again. Jen and David went back to the bar with their arms linked and bought a margarita each. They took them through to the main part and started walking around the casino looking to find an empty machine. They eventually found the others playing poker and stood and watched them. By the time they had finished their margarita's they took the glasses back to the bar. They went back to the casino to watch the others play poker again.

After a while Jen got bored and turned to David and whispered in his ear. " I'm bored come meet me in bathroom." Then she walked off to the bathroom looking back over her shoulder at him. David immediately got butterflies and wanted to run to the bathroom after her but he knew that would look suspicious. So he waited as long as he could bear, then he walked as casually as he could. He assumed she would be in in the women's toilets, so he checked that nobody was around and went in. Only one stall was engaged and it was the one furthest from the door. He walked over to it and whispered through the door 

"Jen is that you?"

His answer came back almost immediately. Jens voice through the door

"Yeah" she said as she unlocked the door.

David walked in and they locked the door behind them. He walked over to her and kissed her more passionately than ever. She kissed him back and their tongue's were moving rapidly. David pulled the straps of Jens dress down over her shoulders and pulled the dress down around her ankles. She stepped out of it and started to unbutton his shirt. While she did this he unzipped his jeans and took them off. Jen was commando under her dress so she was left standing there naked while she pulled David's boxers off. He started kissing all over and found her sweet spot. She breathed heavily He started rubbing her breasts making her let out a little moan. She grabbed his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. In between kisses she whispered "fuck me David Fuck me"  He did what she said and inserted his dick into her and started moving in and out. She tried so hard not to make a noise but it was just too much she let out a moan and just hoped to god that nobody was in the bathroom to hear. 

"Faster David Faster" She whispered in between breaths 

He sped up and pulled her closer. She almost screamed but then she remembered they were in a public bathroom. 

 Eventually they heard someone walk into the bathroom. The person walked up to the stall and knocked. Jen out of breath said..

Jen: "Who is it?"

Court: "It's me."

Jen: "oh ok" 

Court: "Anyways why do you sound so out of breath"

Jen: "What are you talking about? I'm not out of breath?"

Court: "You are but it doesn't matter"

Jen: " What do you need anyways?"

Court: "oh we were just worried about you because you disappeared about an hour ago and we couldn't find you."  

Jen: "Oh sorry. I was just feeling a bit warm in there so I went outside for a bit then I came back in and went to the toilet."

Court: "Oh and also your boyfriend has gone too, do you know where he is?"

Jen looked at David and tried to hold herself back from laughing before saying "No sorry, he came outside with me and then we came back about 10 minutes ago and I came in here and he went to the Bathroom as well I think. So he might be in there."

Court: "Ok, Thanks Jen. I'll leave you alone now."

Jen: "Okay, bye court."

Courteney then left and went back out into the casino. Jen and David both looked at each other and laughed. They quickly put their clothes back on before sneaking back out of the bathroom. They walked together hand in hand over to where the others were just ordering drinks in the bar.

All except Jen and David: There you guys are we've been searching for you everywhere.

David: Oh sorry we went outside for some fresh air and then to the toilet.

They all carried on drinking and chatting. Jen sitting on David's knee on the couch in the bar. Everyone else sitting either next to them on the couch or on the chairs around the table they were sitting at. They were having such a great time so they stayed there until about 1am and then they walked back to the hotel(which was a challenge considering how drunk they all were).

When they finally managed to get back to the hotel room Jen went straight to David's room with him. They were knackered so they got undressed and got into bed and lay there cuddling until Jen fell asleep in his arms. He kissed her forehead, shut his eyes and rested his head on hers and eventually fell asleep.

A very fortunate turn of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now