Chapter 21 Doctors Appointment

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They got dressed and got into the car and drove to the hospital. They went in and were taken to a room to do the scans and check ups. The doctor left the room to go get the pot of gel. When she came back she instructed Jen to get up onto the bed. Jen hopped up and David stood beside her by her head holding her hand. The doctor lifted Jen's top up slightly to reveal her flat stomach and then proceeded to put the gel on her stomach and rub it in gently. She then checked for the heartbeat but found something unexpected.

Doctor: Oh my goodness

David and Jen: What is it, is something wrong?

Doctor: No no quite the opposite

Jen and David stared at her in anticipation. What could it be that made her react like this

Doctor: Do multiples run in your family at all?

Jen: I'm not sure but I think they do

David: Yup, they do in mine

Doctor: Well it's no surprise then that you are having twins

The doctor had found  not one but two heartbeats that were both beating perfectly and healthily. Next she checked the breathing and that everything was developing normally and that everything was in the right place and where it should be.

Doctor: Everything is perfect, both babies are completely healthy and developing really well.

Jen: That's great news. I'm so glad

Doctor: Would you like me to do an ultrasound so you can see your babies?

David and Jen: Yes please!

The doctor then did the ultrasound and pointed at different parts of it showing Jen and David where the babies heads were and which blob was one baby and what blob was the other baby. Jen and David staring in wonder at the screen not quite believing  that it was really happening, that they were so lucky to be having twins.

Jen: Wow that's our babies. We are going to get  to hold them one day. 

David: Wow it's crazy, they look like little beans. It's hard to believe that in a little while they will be  little babies in our arms.

Doctor: So you are 5 weeks along now so just over a month.

Jen: Oooh,  so when will the bump start to show

Doctor: It could be anytime from around 6 weeks to 3 months depending on the person, the babies and the pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different but if you ever have any concerns just call me. 

David: Ok thank you so much. I'm guessing it's too early on to know the genders

Doctor: Yes you are right we won't be able to tell the gender until about week 19 or 20

David: Alright, I thought so

Doctor: Well it's been a pleasure doing this for you I hope all goes well in between now and the next time I see you. I'll look forward to seeing you for your 12 week scan in a few weeks.

Jen: Ok thank you so much for your help today. See you soon

They went and got in the car and drove home while chatting excitedly about their two little baby beans that were now growing inside of Jen. When they got home they had lunch and then cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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