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Aqua threw her arms up and whined loudly and yelled at the top of her lungs. "STOOOOP! MY RANK IS AT STAKE, STOP THROWING!" After that, she then heard a faint snicker, this made her more frustrated so she opened her discord then walked towards (Y/N)'s room. When she entered the boy's room, she saw him holding a laugh while looking at her. "I'm being serious here! Can we please play seriously?!" She vented and (Y/N) just shrugged and smirked. "I am taking it seriously! I've been hard carrying your ass shortie! Look at the kills!" He smugly said and Aqua just sighed and nodded. "Then can we please have a proper game?" She inwardly cringed, she hated asking things nicely when it comes to her brother.

"Alright, let's play seriously then." He smiled and Aqua let out a sigh of relief before flashing him a small smile before heading back towards her room. Taking a seat on her chair, she readied up and waited for the servers to start up. While she waited, she scrolled through her phone and occasionally checking if there's anything interesting happening on twitter. Shrugging subconsciously, she looked out the window and noted the darkening sky. "Hope the rain isn't too bad.." She muttered under her breath then looked back at her screen, only to see that they already jumped from the dropship and (Y/N) was the jumpmaster.

Shaking her head and flexing her fingers, she sat up properly and separated from (Y/N) and the other random. Upon landing, she rolled her eyes as she picked up a P2020 and a Mozambique. She groaned as the random pinged an enemy near Aqua's building. "Of course.." She muttered as she picked up the ammo and rushed outside, quickly knocking the enemy down who couldn't react in time. Aqua snickered and decided to Finish animation the knocked enemy.

But oh is karma a bitch. While she did that, (Y/N) just watched her get knocked down by the teammate of the enemy Aqua just knocked. "OH COME ON!" (Y/N) heard Aqua's yell even though his volume is at max, he snickered and knocked one with a Wingman but struggled to kill the last one, but luckily. Here comes their random, saving the day. "Thanks Rev." He talked through voice chat and revived Aqua.

Once their squad recovered their bearings and looted their enemies, (Y/N) swapped shields with Aqua since he knew that his sister is much more aggressive than he is. Moving towards thr circle, they didn't really encounter any squads, much to his disappointment but he immediately lit up when he saw another squad fighting. 'Gibby ult..' He thought as he saw Gibraltar's missles raining down from the sky. The three immediately rushed to the fight, wanting to third party this fight and possibly win this encounter.

As they arrived, (Y/N) witnessed the Gibby get shot down. As they got closer, the three of them shot down a Octane that tried retreating to their direction. Since their cover was blown, their Revenant placed his ult and Aqua immediately rushed the enemies after getting Revenant's ult. (Y/N) only watched the kill feed as Aqua knocked two enemies, this is when he decided to push up and help out Aqua.

"Boooo!" Aqua yelled out as she was sent back to Revenant's totem. (Y/N) chuckled and finished off the first squad and killed off the other one who was trying to self revive, finishing off the second squad. After this encounter, Aqua was quickly crowned as the Kill Leader. This didn't surprise (Y/N) as he knew that Aqua can casually kill a squad. But he laughed as some other player took the title of Kill Leader from Aqua, earning a loud what from the girl.

Aqua groaned loudly as she looted the ammo and recharged her shield then proceeded to rush towards the ring. (Y/N), being the best big brother, decided to throw his ult in front of her. Octane's jump pad. This sent Aqua flying, he and the Revenant followed suit but Aqua was quickly ambushed and was downed immediately. "NO!" She yelled out.

"And this is the end of our run." He narrated as he managed to crack two enemies and knock one as soon as he landed but he was quickly knocked as two more people shot at him. "Unless our Revenant can win this.." He muttered as he watched the Revenant knock one more. (Y/N)'s breath hitched as their Revenant's shield broke.

Their Revenant tried to run and heal but the enemy player pushed the Revenant.. And by some dumb luck, the Revenant managed to kill the last player of the squad and quickly revived (Y/N). "Neat." "YES! NICE! I LOVE YOU REVENANT!" (Y/N) and Aqua both said at the same time.

But their run ended when the last squad killed their Revenant. "NOOOOO! SO CLOSE!" She yelled once more while (Y/N) just typed ggs on the chat. "Man that Rev sure can clutch.. Or just.. Lucky.." He thought before removing his headset then walked towards Aqua's room.

As he opened the door, he saw Aqua sitting on her chair, thinkering with her mouse sensitivity and furiously dragged the sliders to test out the sensitivity. He sighed as he walked up behind the girl and placed his hand atop her head. "Relax, don't get too worked up okay? We can win the next one after we eat dinner, how's that sound?" Aqua's head dropped but he saw she pouted and smiled slightly before nodding.

Their heads immediately snapped to Aqua's doorway as they heard the doorbell ring. The girl picked her phone up. "Delivery guy is outside.." She said meekly, (Y/N) nodded and walked out to grab their food.

The moment he left, Aqua stood and pulled her shirt over and off then grabbed the big jacket that (Y/N) lent her then wore it. "Comfy.." She muttered while walking out her room and towards the kitchen where her brother was setting up their food. "Here's yours." Aqua nodded and sat down, pulling up the sleeves of the jacket

The two sat quietly for a moment then started eating. The meal was rather quiet than usual, he expected to get an earful from Aqua due to his trolling but was pleasantly surprised when the girl just ate peacefully. While he ate, he eyed his sister, he didn't noticed but he was shifting around his seat uncomfortably, clearly not used to this.

Picking his head up, he noticed Aqua was smiling. 'This little..' He reached over and flicked her forehead. "Alright, enough game onion." Aqua reeled back and held her forehead. "Hey! What was that for?!" She pouted and sent a playful glare towards him. The two had a standoff that last for a minute before the two broke down laughing.

After their dinner, (Y/N) was now washing the dishes while Aqua lounged around in the living room, watching something on Netflix. After finishing up in the kitchen, he walked towards the living room and sat beside Aqua, who then leaned over to him and bundled up with her blanket.

The two was quiet while they watched, Aqua occasionally shuffling in place while (Y/N) just sat there and hum from time to time when he's interested or if Aqua asks him a question.

This was usually their routine, wake up, eat then play the entire day, eat dinner then just relax and watch Netflix until Aqua passes out. In the rare event that there's someone else in the house, like (Y/N)'s cousins or their dad's friends, the siblings would lock themselves up in their room but normally, they're inseparable so they mostly stay together in a room.

As the clock hit 12, (Y/N) slowly moved his head and looked down at Aqua who was already fast asleep. He chuckled quietly and slowly picked her up, bridal style, then walked back to her room and gently set her down on her bed. His eyes focused on her peaceful face.. He smiled and leaned down then placed a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Aqua, be seeing you tomorrow." He whispered before walking out her room.

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