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Aqua growled and slammed her palm at her mousepad, 6 games in a row where she could've won the game but her teammates were either too under-geared or is too aggressive. Her annoyance grew when her phone kept on ringing. She queued up for another game and after 3 more calls on her phone, she finally checked it and saw it was just her brother. She rolled her eyes and muted her phone and plugged it in to charge.

After an entire hour of gaming and losing, she finally took a break and went downstairs. "(Y/N)?" She called out and went to the kitchen. "(Y/N)!" She yelled out and pouted then finally spotting a note on the fridge. "Went out.. Will call.." She muttered. "Guess he's buying something.." She whispered and grabbed a redbull in the fridge and went back to her room to play again.

Tears were finally rolling down due to her not blinking even once the entire game. She was too lazer focused and she wanted to win this and end the night in a good note. Currently, she has 10 kills and 2671 damage and there's two final squads left. Right now, she's very confident with her Kraber shots due to squad wiping a squad earlier with said weapon so she kept her eyes peeled, refusing to blink in order to avoid missing them.

She let out a scream as she missed the first shot on the enemy, this gave the enemy an opportunity to shoot back with a Sentinel and cracking her armor. She screamed again and popped a battery, peeking out again, her worry grew when she heard her teammates firing and spotting the enemy squad pushing for them. She quickly composed herself and aimed for one in the open and managed to down one. Quickly noticing her teammate losing the fight, she immediately rushed to help her teammate and fortunately, Aqua's teammate knocked the second one down with Aqua's help and their 3rd teammate took down the third. "O-ONE MORE!" She yelled nervously and she started tapping her foot.

She completely panicked when her squad got fired at, one of her teammate got knocked down and Aqua quickly armor swapped and fell back along with her 3rd teammate. The two did their best to cover for their downed teammate but he was eliminated when the enemy sniper finished him off from the side. "Nooo.." Aqua said defeatedly.

Aqua deflated on her chair and almost ran out due to frustration but she stopped herself when she saw her teammate knocked an enemy down with a Kraber of their own. She gasped and immediately killed the downed enemy with her own Kraber and this made the two squads even. Aqua quickly racked her brain on what else she could do.

She tried looking around but she couldn't spot the other enemies so this definitely made her extremely nervous so she immediately looked behind her to avoid getting flanked. Her eyes immediately fixed on the kill feed, seeing her teammate get knocked down but also knocking down the enemy. Aqua didn't hesitate to run over to the enemy and thankfully, her teammate spammed the ping to show where the enemy is. "Thank you thank you!" She said repeatedly as she just made it in time to finish off the enemt before they could self revive. "WE DID IT!" She yelled and fist pumped the air, she quickly typed ggs and fell back on her chair and deflated out of exhaustion. "Man.. That was a good way to end the night.." She muttered before slowly sitting up to stretch her entire back. "Ghhnnnaaaahh.. Wow, that was a needed stretch.." As she said this, she spotted her clock. "Wow.. Another hour has passed.."

Giggling quietly to herself, she hopped off from her chair and skipped downstairs and quickly turned to the kitchen with a smile, expecting her brother to be cooking but she was disappointed when she didn't see him anywhere. "What the.. It's been two hours already, where is he?" She whispered and checked the other rooms downstairs and checked his room and didn't see him anywhere.

Aqua rubbed her temple, her worries are starting to grow when her brother hasn't returned for 2 hours already. She is now currently standing on her balcony, shining her light on the road to see if her brother is there. Her panic just kept getting worse, she's considered walking out there and look for him but she's too scared to do anything.

She didn't bother contacting the police too since she knows they wouldn't act upon it unless he's gone missing for an entire day or two and they would most likely tell her that he's already an adult and can take care of himself. She bounced on the spot slightly to get rid of the nerves. "Come on.. Where are you (Y/N).." She whispered.

Taking a deep breath, she mustered up enough courage to go out, grabbing her jacket and beanie and a taser gifted to her by her father. After making sure she's prepared, she walked out and started walking to the store down the street.

Speeding up a little, she arrived and looked in and didn't see her brother anywhere and this worsen her worries. She looked around outside and started to tap her foot, she was getting even more nervous. "Where are you.." Her voice quivered.

Aqua hugged herself to try and give herself some warmth, she then decided to walk in the convenient store and looked around, looking at the counter, she let out a sigh of relief when she recognised who was working. "Oh? Aqua-chan? Quite unexpected to see you here." She stared at Aqua for a moment and let out a oh. "Ah, I know. You're looking for him?" She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head then walked around the counter and knelt down and lowered her head onto the ground. "Forgive me! I asked him for help and I didn't realize it's been that long!" She yelled and Aqua just stood there, shocked all about this sudden information.

"O-oh.." Was the only thing Aqua could say, the clerk looked up and giggled at Aqua's shocked face. "Well Aqua-chan, he's at the back. Sorry once again that I kept him for this long, go ahead!" She smiled and stood, dusting her jeans off before returning behind the counter.

Aqua nodded slightly and began walking to the back, stumbling a little and her face starting to heat up from embarrassment. Slowly opening the door, she immediately spotted her brother lifting a box up on a shelf. She let out another sigh of relief, the embarrassment she felt earlier immediately went away. Noticing the lack of shirt on her brother, she blushed slightly and immediately pushed the thought away and took out her face towel and approached him.

She smirked and slapped him on the back with the towel. Aqua was disappointed when he only let out a grunt, (Y/N) spun around with an angry face that scared Aqua but when he saw Aqua, his face softened. "Ah.. Sorry. Wait, why are you here? I thought I texted you I'll be late?" He asked and Aqua raised her brow, feeling around her leggings for her phone. "U-uh.."

(Y/N) grabbed his phone and unlocked it and showed the text message. "See? That's over 3 hours ago already." He said and he immediately facepalmed. "Don't tell me your phone is on silent." His voice raised slightly and Aqua let out a sheepish laugh while rubbing her head, avoiding eye contact. "Weeeell.."


Aqua walked out with a pout on her face while (Y/N) was fixing his clothes. "That's all of it, drop by next time if you need help. I'll lend a hand as long as I'm not busy." He said and the clerk nodded and smiled and handed him his groceries.

Aqua watched from the outside and eyed the clerk specifically, she didn't like how she was sneaking in some touches on (Y/N)'s hand, neither did she like that smile on her face. Aqua felt something off about her smile when she's talking to her brother. Her suspicions raised when she remembered how her smile earlier when she was talking to Aqua was kind and warm.

The door slid open and out came (Y/N), Aqua smiled at him and sent a glance towards the clerk and she had a look of admiration towards (Y/N). Aqua sent a scowl towards the clerk but it wasn't noticed by the latter so Aqua just stormed off and followed her brother.

"So." He spoke up and turned around, a shiver went down Aqua's spine when she saw him smiling. "You muted your phone because you were playing, weren't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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