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(Y/N) yawned quietly as he did his best to pay attention to his professor who discussed the same lesson. He tucked his head down and pretend to be writing so he wouldn't look out of place..

30 minutes has passed and at this point, he's just praying that his class would end already. Dreading what kind of punishment Aqua would come up with if he's late on picking her up.

He chuckled quietly as he questioned himself why he let Aqua do this to him but quickly got his answer. He just want to see a smile on Aqua's face, he always wanted to protect her and hr smile. Sitting up, he heard the bell finally ring and he quickly shoved his notebooks and books into his bag and quickly stood up and just followed the wave of students coming out.

As soon as he was out, he quickly made his way out of the campus and crossed the road towards Aqua's school. He sped up as soon as he heard the bell, quickly climbing the stairs, he arrived in front of Aqua's classroom.

When he arrived, the door of the classroom opened. Not seeing Aqua on the first wave, he leaned back against the wall and brushed his hair up, earning some murmurs and giggles from the ladies while some boys growled and some were at awe. "The hell you staring at twerps?" He asked somewhat nicely and the they immediately dispersed.

"NEEE! I CAN WALK TO HIS CAMPUS! I'M NO CHILD!" A familiar voice whined, making the boy chuckle. "You're certainly acting like one! You're waiting here until your brother picks you up, no buts! I'm not hearing it!" Aqua's teacher gave a stern look towards Aqua's direction and this made the young girl shut up and huff. (Y/N) peeked his head inside a little and successfully caught the teacher's attention. She was about to tell Aqua but (Y/N) held his hand up.

Aqua watched her teacher walk out of the room, leaving her alone, she huffed again then grabbed her notebook then started doodling, at first, she was doodling Mirage just for the fun of it, theeen started doodling him getting killed in multiple ways. She then switched to Wattson, who she doodled prettily and drew in wonderful backgrounds and situations along with Horizon.

Her mind started to wander, her doodles becoming squiggly lines, she subconsciously drew her brother. Once she looked down, she didn't react at all. But then smirked as she then made his hair longer and made his face thinner. Though, once she did that though, she realized he looks more prettier as a woman, scoffing at the sight, she ripped the paper off and crumbled it before tossing it towards the trash.

Looking up, she spotted her brother leaning against the whiteboard, wearing a smile on his face. At first, she was shocked then immediately collected herself then shoved her notebook into her bag then approached him. "Next time, come more early! You know I'm impatient!" She complained and he shrugged then walked out of the classroom.

As the two walked home, Aqua seemed to be distracted as she was quiet, normally she would complain about her whole day, complain about her subjects and unfair quizzes or activities. But now, she was quiet and (Y/N) was bothered by this so he walked up beside her. "I know.. It's just, I hate being treated as a child.." She said while rubbing her arm, her gaze focused somewhere else. (Y/N) sighed and stayed quiet.. The two soon arrived and (Y/N) opened the door for her, the siblings quietly walked in and went to their own rooms without a word to each other.

The two didn't noticed but their father was already home and noticed the quietness between the two. "Now what happened between these two?" He asked himself as he finished his cup of tea.

(Y/N) walked out of his room and ruffled his hair for no reason and made his way to the kitchen and was quite surprised to see his father there. "Had a fight?" His father quickly asked and (Y/N) shooked his head, walking to the fridge and grabbing a frozen fish. "Kid." (Y/N) replied and his father hummed, understanding what the problem is. "

Aqua stood behind her door quietly, her door opened slightly as she listened in to her stepfather and brother. "I believe Aqua is an adult.. She's clumsy sure but she's smarter than she looks, dad. You seriously gotta stop treating her as a kid." Her face lit up and got giddy that her brother was on her side. "I suppose so." Was the only response her stepfather gave.

For awhile, things quieted down until (Y/N) spoke up again. "I love Aqua. She's the best sister I could ever ask for." He stopped and chuckled. "But I can't help but treat her as a child. She's adorable." He said with a slight smile and his father was just sat there, reading something on his phone. "Contradicting yourself?" He asked without looking away from his phone. "I can't help it dad.. She's.." His mood started to gloom and Aqua noticed this, her brow rose as she saw her stepfather put his phone down and sighed deeply. "Yes.. It's.. It's a shame.. To lose both your mom and sister like that.." He said, his voice croaked slightly.

(Y/N) cleared his throat and focused back on the pan. "At least she loved you dad, she loved you for who you are. Not for money. Unlike my biological mother." He said, glaring at out the window, making his father sigh quietly. "Yes.." His father said then looked out the window.

Aqua stood there, just observing and taking in the information she's heard. After 30 minutes of silence and nothing else happening, she backed away from her door and walked to her desk then looked down at her family picture with (Y/N) and her stepfather. Feeling a chill running down her spine, she backed away from the picture and rubbed her eyes. "I'll do my best to help these two idiots out.." She jokingly said as she fell back on her bed. "Gaaah.. Man.." She muttered before rolling on to her side and closed her eyes.

My Little Onion SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora