A new beginning

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Hello, book 2 is here and more drama and more wonderful moments in store for you guys!! I hope you like the story!
Song of the day: ToHeart(WoohyunXKey) Delicious
BJoo's POV

6 months into our marriage and things are already going wrong.  I will admit that I am to blame.  Mostly to blame.  During these few months I have been dishonest and unfaithful.  I won't lie and not say what I did wrong, but that's what the story is for right?  To tell you what happened.  It all started the day after we were done with promotions. We were going to take a break and find some inspiration for our next album.

*Present Time*

I woke up feeling heaving and I couldn't move. I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Hansol. I smiled and shook him off me. I tried to wiggle out from under him, but his grip on me tighten. "Hansol wake up." I said and he kept on sleeping. "Hansol you need to wake up." He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "Babe get up."

"5 more minutes." He got off me and pulled the covers over him. "Sorry my love, but you need to get up now." He groaned. "WHY!" he carried the y. "Because it's almost 1 in the afternoon." He pulled off the covers and wiped his face. "Okay I'm up." I smiled and kissed his soft pink lips. He chuckled and got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower and got dressed.

After Hansol came out he back hugged me and kissed my neck leading me to moan a little. He let go of me and we left the room. Xero and Jenissi were on the couch watching Running Man and Hojoon was washing dishes. I went to the fridge to get some red bull. "Hey guys good seeing you up." said Xero. "Yeah we had a long night." I said. "So I have heard" Said Jenissi.

I turned and looked at Hojoon. He had dark circles and looked horrible. "Hoon you look-" he put his hand up. "You guys kept me up all night long with your moans and yelling. I swear I can't sleep in this dorm anymore!" I hugged him. "Sorry Hoon." He rolled his eyes and went back to washing dishes.

A knock at the door came and I walked to see who it was. When I opened the door I was surprised and confused. "Manager Kim?" he waved. "Can I come in for a bit?" he asked. I looked behind me and the others were staring. I nodded and stepped back to let him in. I closed the door and sat on the couch. "Uh take a seat." I said and he sat at the kitchen tabled awkwardly. It was silent for a bit until Hansol spoke up. "Not to be rude hyung, but why are you here?" he asked.

"Bjoo I need your help." he pleaded. My eyes widen. "Me?" he nodded. "Wae?" he cleared his throat. "You know UnderDog is debuting soon right?" I nodded. "Well since you're a great dancer, do you mind helping them with choreography?" I tilted my head. Help them? "What about-" he cut me off. "Helping Cross Gene for the time being." I sighed. "Please? This is a huge emergency and I need you to do it. Well the whole Wizard group! You're all great dancers."

"Look hyung we just got done with promotions-" he cut me off again. "Yes I know, but just do me this one favor please? I'll get fired if they don't do good for their debut and them I'll have to move back to Busan and won't have any money and then I'll have to get a job at the market and then I'll-" I cut him off. "OKAY I"LL DO IT just stop with all the guilt!" I yelled. He smiled and clapped his hands together. "Thank you Bjoo I owe you one!" He got up and dusted off his pants. "Okay I'll send you their practice schedule later and start helping them tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp. Also some of them love to ad lib so keep them in check."

He started to walk out the door. "Wait what about you where will you be this whole time?" asked Hansol. He turned around. "I'll be on a business trip. I have to sort some stuff out for their debut with the CEO. I'll be back in about a month or 2." My jaw dropped. A month or 2? "So I'm basically their baby sitter till you get back?" I asked. "Don't say it as 'baby sitter' they actually need a choreographer you know." He opened the door.

I sighed. "Bjoo I know this is huge, but I could really get fired if they don't make it. I really appreciate you're help." then he left. I shook my head. Great for my break I'll be a choreographer for UnderDog. Look I like them and all, but I do wish I could get a break. I'll have to be up early every morning and all afternoon. This will really be a pain.

Hansol put a hand on my shoulder. "Bjoo it's okay, I'll help you sometime if you'd like?" I nodded. "Thanks but I think I'll be able to handle it on my own, not that I don't want your help." He nodded. "This bites though, will you be able to like hang out and go to Jungkook's party soon? 'Cause with helping with a debut is kinda hard and requires a lot of dedication and responsibility." said Hojoon.

"Yeah I think I can handle it. I mean we all did before so I don't think it will be that bad right?" WRONG! Just because of this whole situation I ended up almost ending my marriage. I should've said no from the beginning. Why am I so nice?

The next day I woke up at 6 am for an early jog and some coffee. I listened to their debut song last night and it sounded really good. I already have some moves for some parts. I could've finished the choreo last night, but Hansol was detracting me with his lips and hands. So I ended up paying more attention to him than the dance. I mentally slapped myself for being so weak to him.

After my jog and coffee it was 7:30 am. "Okay time to wake them up!" I got the schedule yesterday as well. Their schedule is packed with exercising and singing practice also language class and dance practice. I swear we didn't have this packed of a schedule when we were about to debut, we learned all this stuff while being trainees.

I walked to their dorm and put in the code. "8456." the door unlocked and I went inside to a pigs pen. There was shoes, clothes, pizza boxes and god know's what else on the floor. I had to step over so much stuff, it was almost impossible to walk. I opened their dorm room to see 4 sleeping bodies. I turned on their lights and got pots and pans. I smashed them together and yelled. "GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP AND PRACTICE!" Seogoong woke up first and fell out of bed on the floor. On the other hand, Andy pulled the blanket over himself.

"YAH GET YOUR BUTTS UP NOW!" Seogoong got up off the floor and scratched his head. "Hey Bjoo what are you doing here?" he asked with sleepy eyes. "I'll tell you after everyone is up and washed. Get your members up or there will be no breakfast." He nodded and started to wake up the others. I walked out their room and slipped on some Spongebob boxers. Gosh they really need to clean up this place.

After about an hour of waiting, the others came out with bed hair and almost no clothes on. "Hey get some clothes on will you?" they all walked to the bathroom and got washed up. Seogoong came over to me with minty breath. "Hey how are you and Hansol going?" I looked at him. "It's going good thank's for asking." he nodded. "So will you tell me why you're here now? Not that I don't want you here." I chuckled. "Naw I understand and not till everyone is ready." He nodded again.

"So do you guy's miss me not being in TOPP DOGG? I miss you guys." I laughed. "Yeah we miss Goong, but we understand why you switched, it was getting chaotic." He chuckled. "Yes it was and thanks for understanding. I know Gohn and Hojoon didn't, their kinda still mad huh?"

I shook my head. "They'll get over it. And I think Gohn is okay. He is dating Yano." His eyes widen. "What really?" I nodded. "Yup I think it's been almost been 9 months." he shook his head. "Wow never knew he had it in him to come out and tell him his feelings."

"What?" He narrowed his eyes. "You never knew? Yeah Gohn always had this huge crush on him. He just never had the guts to tell him, but now I think he does." the others came out and sat on the floor. Seogoong sat on the floor as well and I cleared my throat. "Good morning soon to be UnderDog. As of today I will be your choreographer." they looked confused.

"Wae?" asked Jiwon. "Cause your manager said so. Now right now I want you guys to clean this place up. That's one of the things he asked me you to do." I said while looking at the text he sent me. "Why should we? It look's fine to us." Said Cavan Chen and they all nodded. I rolled my eyes and gave them a look like they were crazy. "Fine if you don't clean up them there won't be any breakfast."

They shrugged their shoulders. "We never eat breakfast anyway." Said Jiwon. "Look if you just put all the clothes in piles and throw away the trash we will be able to go to the practice room and be done by 1 noon." Seogoong got up and shoved everything in a pile and saw back down. "Happy Bjoo?" I sighed. This is going to be harder than I thought.

A Hidden Love 2(TOPP DOGG)Where stories live. Discover now