A few things you may need to know about this story

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The story takes place in a city called Black Draft which is a fairly bad place to be in. Violence is everyday life and you never know if you're gonna wake up dead the next morning. There's always someone out to get you.

You can't really trust anyone, but everyone has they're gangs. (Side note: Canon characters will be featured in this story) Most gangs are made up of a leader, his 13 or 14 goons, a few prostitutes, and some drug dealers. They don't necessarily have to be in the same place, tho. Gangs are often spread across the whole city, you just need a special marking to be recognized by your allies.

Even tho most ponies avoid Black Draft because of the danger, for police, it's a goldmine. See, in this city, it works a bit differently. Cops get a ton of money for solving crimes. The more brutal and over the top the scenes are, the more money they collect for throwing the criminal in a cell. Compared to police somewhere else, the ones here pray to wake up to the news reporter going "8 mares found raped and murdered in 006 motel", or you know, something like that.

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