October 15th

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The moonlight beamed in through the teared up curtains, lighting up a small section of the room. Old beer bottles and cigarets, scattered across the floor, along with a few cockroaches here and there. It was quiet. Too quiet.

Stretching her front legs a little, the mare in the bed slowly rose into a sitting position, squinting with her eyes towards the window. "Shit, what time is it...?" She groaned, turning her head to the rusty clock, sitting on the bedside table. "And why does something feel wrong..?". 24:32 the clock showed. With all hooves on the floor, she started dragging herself across the room, over to the bathroom. "Maybe I'm just a little dehydrated..." The mare thought, opening the door to complete darkness. Flicking the light switch, she entered. A pretty white unicorn with bright green eyes was on the other side of the mirror. Pink and purple mane in bouncing curls, roughly tousled after a few hours of sleep. "Ugh, Me and this motel just doesn't go together..." She said to her reflection before turning on the tap water. Right when she was about to grab the glass from the sink, a loud thump was heard from the other room. With shrunken pupils and a terrified expression on her face, the unicorn knew what was going on. "A break in!" She thought, panicking while throwing her head side to side, trying to find somewhere to run. "I'm trapped!!". Before she could get her mind straight, footsteps were getting closer to the bathroom door. "Shit, shit, shit!!". After a few seconds of imagining who was lurking on the other side, she threw her head in the bathtubs direction and made a run for it. She shut the drape that was going around the bathtub and crouched down on the bottom, covering her muffled cries with her hoof. "Please don't find me..."

"Do we know the victims identity yet?" The stallion questioned his partner. With papers in one hoof, Ditzy quickly read through them before turning back to the detective, or 'Doctor' as he preferred. "Uuuh... I was suppose to find out..?" She asked, followed by a nervous chuckle. He glared at her in response and glanced back at the body. "Ditzy, I think--", the doctor was cut off when another pony entered the bathroom. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Fancy British horse himself!" The police chief snarled, chewing her cigarette. Whooves sighed and looked over at the pegasus who had just walked in. "Good morning, officer..." He murmured, rolling his eyes. She raised an eyebrow and spat. "Good morning? This has to be the shittiest morning I've ever gone through!" The yellow pegasus complained, walking over to the body. "Gun shot? Stab? What's the--.." She paused when finally taking a good look at what was laying in front of her. They all turned their heads when one of the unicorn cops trotted inside with a few documents, levitating next to him. "Spitfire, Ma'am, we know about the victim.." He informed, walking up to her. "Oh really?" She asked, unimpressed. The stallion nodded and went on, ignoring her attitude. "The body of Sweetie. Belle, 18 years old was found around 06:00 this morning, brutally mutilated, lying under the bed.." He finished. The doctor blinked and gave him a confused look. "Under the.. Bed..??" He questioned, exchanging a few glances with Ditzy. "Well, yes, that's what the owner told me..." He said with a small frown. "Then...." The doctor trailed off again, into his own thoughts before looking over at Spitfire. "But... W-wait, what if-" All of the sudden, he was interrupted by a shriek, coming from the bedroom. They all raced outside to find one of the cops, pressed against the wall while pointing at the bed with a violently shaking hoof. "T-there's.. Something under the bed..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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