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Disclaimer: The events written here happened after the reign of King George Alexander Louis Windsor (son of Prince William and Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge), the names and affairs of the Windsor Family in this story are all fictitious.

The Windsor Family in the present is the reigning British Royal Family, the third family to ascend the throne after The Tudor Line which ended with Queen Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn)


He would hate me for this.

That thought repeatedly crossed my mind for the last few hours that I had been sitting on my chair in my chambers.

After much unrest within myself, I poured the red wax on the parchment envelope bearing the dreadful request.

I stamped on my seal while the wax was still soft and it made a lovely dent. It had to bear my insignia and had to be on my writing so he would know that I was the one who asked for him to come back.

"Now, he cannot say no." said Gaius. He was standing beside me and was watching me closely. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but you're the only one who can ask him to return. He only listens to you."

I leaned on my chair for respite. The day had been restless as doctors came and went to check on me, secretly.

I looked towards my poster bed and saw the diagnoses from the doctors lying there. Those pieces of rubbish, so helpless on their crumpled state, and yet they had the power to ruin my whole future and worse, my brother's life.

"He will not forgive me, Gaius. I know he won't." I said to him with my eyes closed.

"He cannot hate you forever. He loves you."

"And I'm taking advantage of that love." I said.

A knock on the door made me opened my eyes. Gaius attended to it and I saw one of the chambermaids. She whispered something to the man then gave me a pitiful glance before leaving.

"They know, don't they?"

"Unfortunately, the walls have ears my dear. But they won't tell a soul, they were under strict orders to keep their thoughts to themselves."

Of course, father won't have it. He could not let the whole castle sharing to others that the heir was a sickly girl. It would be a fatal blow to his now unsteady reign. Having a weakling on his own household would surely boost our enemies' hopes.

I finally handed the envelope to Gaius and he tucked it neatly inside his suit pocket.

"The Royal Staff has made certain arrangements with Miss Jeane Poole to take over the lessons Madame Clotilde left unfinished. You shall resume class the moment the burial is done. I thought you would like to know." he said.

"The way this place replaces the people so fast is remarkable. Maybe, that's how fast they would get rid of me too."

Gaius sighed but said nothing. He knew I was right. But out of courtesy, he held his tongue.

 "Send tulips to Clotilde's wake, she loved those." I just said to dispel the awkward air that started to spread around us.

"As you command, my Princess." and he left, leaving me in my chamber alone with my disgruntled thoughts and worried heart.

It didn't take long before the news came that the receiver of the letter arrived at the palace.

And that same evening of his arrival, a dress was sent to my room by a servant bearing a note that I should wear it when I come down for supper.

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