The beginning

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An 18-year-old boy named Promise had always lied. One time he had walked into the woods. He then saw an old house. He had walked into the house where there was a witch. She had then jumped. She then cursed Promise for trespassing. He then ran back to the town. He soon realized every time he had lied, he would shrink. When he stopped shrinking, he had shrunk and wouldn't grow back, and then he was running into an allay-way so no one would see him, but he was out of luck. A 19-year-old boy named Daniel was standing in front of him as Promise ran into him.

"Hm? Woah," Daniel said. Promise backed away slowly. As scared lil Promise backed away, the giant grabbed him and said, "What the?" Promise let out a squeak. "Is it a mouse?" Danial said with his minty breath brushing against Promise's hair.

"I'M NOT A MOUSE!" The words burst out of Promise's mouth before he could think. Immediately, he slapped his hands over his mouth, staring at Daniel with fearful eyes.

"Ok, sure, but why are you so small?" Daniel's expression carried innocence as he gazed down at Promise with wonder and fascination.

"U-Uhm.." Promise said shakily, "W-Why should I tell an s-stranger.." Promise said.

"Cause," A grin made its way onto Daniel's face, the grip around Promise tightening around him ever so slightly. "I'm like ten times the size of you. And I can crush you like a mouse."

Promise began to squirm, hoping to escape the human's grasp. "D-DON'T!" He cried out, tears building up in his eyes.

"Then tell me, pipsqueak," Daniel demanded in a calm tone, adding in another squeeze, earning a yelp from Promise.

"F-fine," Promise starts to cry as he tells him. After he told him, Daniel said,

"Uh-huh. Well, I guess I'll just keep you." he started to walk to his house, "Or a lab would want you heh." Daniel chuckled at his own comment

"N-NO!!" Promise begged as more tears poured down his cheeks. "You have no power here. I'll do what I like," Daniel said casually, not even giving him a glance.

Promise curled up in Daniel's pocket and cried till he fell asleep. Soon they got to the house. He sat down on his sofa. He took Promise out of his pocket and placed him in a jar; he poked holes into the lid so the tiny could breathe.

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