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The cold arctic air bit harshly at Quackity's cheeks as he walked; his quest to find the location of Techno's house had been a failure, and had ended his reluctant, cold, and miserable retreat. The ravenette listened to the crunch of the snow beneath his feet as he kept his hands in the pockets of his pants- his fingers had gone numb, and he was beginning to lose feeling in his wrists. He kept walking, forcing himself into his thoughts to distract him from the aching cold burning his skin. 

"Quite chilly out here, isn't it, Quackity?" The sudden voice came from behind him. Quackity jumped, yanking his axe out of its place strung to his back out of pure instinct. He spun on his heels fast enough to send himself into a dizzy haze for just a moment. As the temporary headache passed a beat later, he identified the figure that stood, now, in front of him,


"That's my name, Quackity."

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same, Quackity."

"You sure like saying my name, don't 'cha."

"Quite frankly, I do. Your name has a lovely ring to it." 

Quackity felt his cheeks warm up just slightly; a sudden flash of relief against the bitter cold that had been piercing them the past few hours. He looked away, hoping the fact that he'd already been cold and red-cheeked hid the sudden blush. It was so stupid. Such a simple compliment, and he'd gone a sheepish shade of rose? He heard Wilbur take another step forward, and naturally, the man took a step back. This continued, until finally, the Brit just grabbed Quackity's wrist gently and pulled him forward. The taller slid his coat off, pulling it around Quackity's shoulders. Quackity, normally, would have shrugged it off like it held some sort of disease. But he was freezing, and he was desperate.

Quackity felt the blood rush to his cheeks again, and he looked down. He grabbed the jacket with his hands and pulled it around himself better, relaxing in the mere sliver of warmth it provided against the Arctic's eternal winter. It wasn't doing much yet, but it was slowly heating up by the second.

"C'mon, let's go. You'll freeze to death out here." Wilbur gently tugged on the ravenette's arm - not hard enough to really move him, but hard enough to make him start walking. He would never admit it, but he didn't mind Wilbur's presence. If anything, it made the walk easier, and end a whole lot sooner. "Wouldn't want my dear rival to die or anything, right? That'd be no fun; who else would I bug endlessly?" He nudged at Quackity's side, although the man gave Wilbur's joke nearly no acknowledgement. He didn't particularly care, however. As long as his main source of entertainment lived to see tomorrow.

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