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Ok so in every single book I've recently checked out there are three same stereotypes that I see with 1D

Harrys always screwing some girl.
He's gay?

The boys had just gotten finished with a gig and harry turned his head, there he spotted Jamie in the crowd. He wanted her, he needed her. He told the boys he would be back later and lead Jamie into the bathroom.


Jamie's prolly some 13 year old who just wanted to see ur concert not get laid.

I mean for Real.

Niall's always fucking eating something, like god damn.

Niall groaned as he sat down, looking around for something to eat because in all Honesty he was starved ( WHAT ELSE IS NEW ) he got up slowly and walked over to the fridge opening it. He saw a cows head and shrugged picking it up and eating it. Now he was satisfied.

Damn niall we were saving that for dinner!

That boy always eats so much, and then never EVER gains any weight.

No ones metabolism is that fast.

Zayn's always admiring himself in a mirror

God DAmn this is the freaking 2012 fandom again.

Zayn was in the middle of singing WMYB and he saw something shine out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head he saw a mirror, he was in love. Dropping the microphone he ran towards the girl, who they later knew as Jamie and tackled her for the mirror. Jamie ended up being smashed by Zayn, hitting her head on the ground and passing out.

"I love myself"


I mean yeah he's
Hot but he doesn't need to check himself out every two seconds.

Louis has something against carrots ( I swear we've been over this in 2012 )

Louis opened the fridge looking for something to eat. Something suddenly brushed past his leg and he swiftly turned around looking down with wide terrified blue eyes. His eyes softened when he saw the pretty white bunny on his kitchen floor. Soon before he could pet the bunny, his eyes zeroed in on the carrot it held, his eyes again hardened as he grabbed a knife and chopped the bunny up, now he knew what to eat.


No words.

Liams always protecting something, or someone when in reality that boy would Never harm anyone.

Jamie was in the middle of a street fight, with no way of getting out. Somewhere in the alleys of buffalo, at midnight. How did she get into this? She didn't even know, suddenly a punch was delivered to her face making her stumble back and almost fall into the boy standing around her. LIAMS head popped up from the book
He was reading 14 hours away in the United Kingdom, he got up and fucking transported to where
Jamie was and kicked all the boys dickaroni & cheeses off, because he needed to protect her. Something about her made him want to.

He doesn't even know her

How did he smell that



This chapter sucked

And swallowed (^∇^)AHAHAHAHAH

Yeah no.


Dumb fanfiction momentsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin