That One Halloween Night

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Warning: get your tissue boxes ready. This is sad.


31 October 1981 (teehe)


You are sitting in a park, disguised as your animagi form of the dog, trying to relax by watching children crossing by the nearby street dressed up, accompanied by their parents or other adult family members. A few of the younger ones were grumpy, not getting to celebrate Halloween like their parents used to, until a few years ago, ever since the war started. You couldn't blame them. Back when you were at school you would always be pranking students accompanied by Prongs, Moony, and Wormtail. The thought of your best friends brings a smile to your face. Then you think of Lily and Little Harry. You had bought sweets, which were kept inside your motorbike beside you, disguised with a disillusionment charm, for your godson and would be giving them to him tomorrow. You wanted to visit James and Lily's today but Dumbledore adviced to not do that for those bastard Death Eaters were sure to have been keeping an eye for you, and no matter how thrilling it seemed to mess with the death eaters, you could not risk giving away your best friends' location. The sweets could wait until tomorrow, thinking of how excited baby Harry would get on seeing uncle Padfoot again. Much to Lily and Peter's horror,  James and he would throw Harry among themselves and catch him. It was fun. Remus would simply roll his eyes at us and get back to his book. Man, you loved that guy.

With the happy thoughts you sit back and admire the stars. You could spot the Canis Major, and in it the star Sirius, courtesy of Remus. The sounds of the people fade away, and you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of the grass beneath and the sky above and you drift off.

It seemed like not much had passed when an owl landed beside you and started pecking you. Alarmed, you wake in an instant and turn back to your human form and untie the note on it's foot. You recognise Dumbledore's slant handwriting. The note said-

Disbelief coursed through you, thinking this letter must be for someone else

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Disbelief coursed through you, thinking this letter must be for someone else. But no, it was indeed addressed to him. But how could he find them? No, it's not possible! Peter was their Secret Keeper, he couldn't have-
That son of a bitch. He betrayed them, betrayed you! After years of friendship, and this was how he took to things. You were too shocked to have noticed when the tears had started to come.

Immediately getting on your motorbike, you went off, cursing the bloody traitor. You wondered what happened to your favourite family, but put the thoughts aside quickly. No, that can't be possible. While flying, you saw owls slowly beginning to increase in number, and people seemed to be celebrating? HOW THE FUCK COULD THEY REJOICE WHEN JAMES, LILY, AND HARRY COULD BE POSSIBLY DEAD?

You panic, worse than ever before, and will the bike to move faster. But the bloody bike seemed slower than a snail in the moment.

On reaching the gates of Godric's Hollow you see Hagrid far below, trying to get to what was their house. Now it was only shackles, ruins. The upper floor room seemed to have the most damage, completely blown apart, and are about to jump off the bike to reach the house, to reach them. But in that moment you catch a glimpse of something that made your heart almost stop.

There was no mistaking her flaming red hair.

And you fall.

Unable to move, you lay there for a few moments, when you hear a baby cry.


Hurrying, you pass over the rubble and go into what was their hallway and there you find him.
Eyes wide with fear that you have never seen before, fear for his family. Fear for his wife and child. There lay James, wandless.
Broken. That's when you wail.


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