
14 2 6

Evening, 31 October 1981


Remus is sitting on the couch of his living room, trying to focus one Light In The Dark Ages that he had borrowed from Dumbledore earlier. He is restless, for something does not feel right. The full moon was not until another week, so he rules that one out.

He moves into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate to curb the unease and finds that he has run out of cocoa. Not good. He isn't generally superstitious, but today seemed to have cast a spell upon him.

He quickly dismisses the negative thoughts though. Ever since Voldemort has risen to power, one never knew when they would hear the news of their family being found dead, or imperioused. Remus shook his head, he was just being paranoid.

He proceeds to use some of his dark chocolate to make his drink instead. Sure enough, there they are. The chocolates that Sirius, James and Lily had sent him. They know he takes his chocolates seriously. He smiles at the thought. Peter had probably forgotten, for he was a mess these days, poor thing, Remus had concluded earlier today. He hums to himself and goes back to the living room with his steaming drink.

He didn't have a television set at his place. Instead, shelves upon shelves of books he had collected over the years. As he settles down, his thoughts wander to his friends.

Thinking about James and Lily, and how they would be celebrating Halloween with Harry. James had said how they wanted to buy one of those spooky onesies for Harry that you used to get at Diagon Alley but couldn't buy one this year. Ever since the Fidelius Charm was set upon the Potters' household, their visits and meeting had decreased. Remus remembered Sirius's letter to him disappointed that Albus did not allow them to visit their friends. But he was with Dumbledore on this. With Sirius being their Secret Keeper, they couldn't risk it.

Peter had been unusually quiet though, frowns Moony. Usually he echoed whatever Siri or James had say. Coming to think of it, Remus hadn't heard from him for two whole weeks now. And then too, he had seemed paler than usual. Strange.

Moony thinks of how Padfoot would mimic Peter for gigs, and blushes. Whatever Sirius did, even if it wasn't very ethical, Moony would always love him. There was just something about him that dismantles Remus's reasoning. He thinks back to their 4th year, when Moony had finally realised his crush on him, and how he would start stuttering whenever Sirius was talking to him. His final string was when he had come out as gay to his mother after a heated argument between the two of them. That was the night he ran from home. But that bastard was so oblivious to Remus, and James and Lily, though not with each other at the time, had consistently tried to set them together. And in their 6th year, when Sirius had confessed how he felt towards Sirius, they had finally kissed.

It was a clear night, Remus saw through the window, and people were going inside because wandering around after dark was not advisable. He sits there for a while and then retires to his bedroom.

Late into the night, he hears a sharp tap on his window and opens it to an owl fluttering in carrying a note. The sight of the owl an uneasy feeling hit him like a brick and suddenly he shivers. He unties the note and upon reading its contents, dread fills him.

He found them.

No. NO! Fumbling, he looks around for an explanation but finds nothing. No, no, no! How is this possible! The Fidelius charm must have been broken! How could Voldemort find them? Remus screams. He hadn't lost control of his emotions like this since he was 9 years of age.

Thinking it must be some kind of sick trick, Remus runs out of the house, not bothering to take his coat, and disapparates into the night.

On reaching the Godric's Hollow, however, his worst fear seems to have come true. His only family that was left seemed to shatter when he heard him wail.


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