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The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy

↬ Aurelia's Point Of View↫

After Mr. Anderson told me about what we will be learning I left the class and started going to my next class. I knew the ways since they gave me your before I started school.

As I was walking to my English Literature class my anxiety and nervousness was growing inside of me. Seeing all the students just didn't make me feel right.

Once I reached class I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Taking a deep breath I went in going straight to last row and taking a sit near by the window.

Soon the class was filled with students and the Teacher came in.

"Good Morning class. Looks like we have a new student. Could you please raise your arm and tell the name to the class" I started to get nervous.

I gulped and took a deep breath before raising my hand and telling my name. "what a lovely name you have Aurelia" the teacher said with a smile on her face.

She turned and wrote the tittle of the book we will we doing today.

'The Living Photography' she wrote with her marker on the whiteboard.

"So today we will be doing about The Living Photography. Incase you all didn't read the book like I told you to..." I few chuckles came from the class.

"The poem talks about the persona's photograph of her grandmother. The
persona describes the grandmother as being tall and who dressed up prim and proper. She had a kind smile and did not fear death. As she aged, Grandmother became hunched and forgetful. She has passed away but the persona still feels her presence as she looks at the photograph of herself and grandmother, taken when she was three" she finished.

"Okay so one by one stand up and read one sentence from the book. Okay?" she asked but was replied with groans.

"Oh come on its just reading a sentence. Now first Kyle"

A boy stood and read the first sentence.




And it went on until the teac called me and asked to tell the literal meaning in stanza's.

My hands started to shake. My breath started to shake.

"Ma'am it looks like Aurelia didnt focus let me do it" a girl asked.

"Go ahead Eliana" the teacher said with a sigh.

The girl was beautiful. She wore glasses even with that she was beautiful. She has v shaped jawline, long lashes, button nose, heart shaped lips with Amber eyes. Her hair brown hair was tied into a high ponytail. She was wearing a white tennis skirt with a skin tight white shirt paired with lime green cardigan.

All the guys were looking at her with love while the girls glared at her.

"Stanza 1 the persona describes her grandmother as tall and well-dressed with a kind smile. Her smile comes from her eyes. On her deathbed, she held the persona's small black hand in her big white hand. She was not afraid to leave the world.

Stanza 2 persona accepts that her grandmother has passed to the other world, asall grandmothers do. Grandmother, who was of a tall stature became small, hunched and forgetful.

Stanza 3 the persona at age three had taken a photograph with grandmother. When she looks at the photograph, she feels grandmother's presence. To the persona, her grandmother is still very much alive and smiling at her." she finished.

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