[ 03 ]

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Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is

↬Nolan's Point Of View ↫

"Thank You Nolan" Mrs. Gamorè said. I gave her little smile and said welcome before heading to class.

As I was walking to class I saw a figure. running about of the school. It looked like a girl.

I followed her and saw her knees against her chest as she keeps her arms folded on it and hugs her face.

I wanted to just leave since it doesn't really concern me but something told me to ask if everything is okay.

I quickly went to her and kneeled to her level.

I kept my hand on my her shoulder and said "are you okay?"

She jumped and pressed herself to the wall more.

I retracted my hand and looked at her. She was a beauty indeed.

Beautiful pecan skin. Beautiful lashes. Black eyes that has sparkled in them. Her wavy black hair. Her kissable heart shaped lips. Her round face which just added to her beauty but in all that beauty was misery, regret, guilt and loneliness.

"Hey I am not here to hurt you. I saw you running from the class and I happend to see you. Is everything okay? " I could easily tell she wasn't but I couldn't just come and say 'hey you are not okay'

"Why are you worried it's not like you know for all you know I could be a spy I disguise" she snapped and i will be lying if I said that didn't hurt me a bit.

"I am sorry for snapping at you like that" she let out a loud sigh before sitting back.

"it's okay I do that when I'm upset too" I said and scooted next to her.

There was silence for about 5 minutes. It wasn't awkward it was comfortable. We just sat there enjoying the presence of each other.

"You know it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it. I just wanna help" I broke the silence.

She looked like she was in deep thoughts until she spoke.

"It's just so difficult like when there is something you want to forgot but somehow-"

"it comes back and sticks in your brain until you just can't take it anymore" I countinued.

"Yea" she breathed out.

"I'm sorry I already told you too much and you don't even know me"

"it's alright. I had a few people who were close to me. They committed suicide. You are not alone in this"

She just looked at me.

"I'm Nolan Hart"

"Aurelia Valentine"

Aurelia what a beautiful name.

The class bell rang. Well I guess school its time for my next class.

• • • • • • • • • •

another yet boring chapter. I promise the story will be interesting. Not all the chapters are long and short. So yeah. This is kind of short story. Anyways hope you enjoyed it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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