maybe its true

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hi sorry for not posting in such a long time :( anywayss this is the picture you might need for this chapter when i start describing things youll find out <3

there are a lot of mistakes so yea

"What the actual f*ck" Andrew wisperd to himself. it was death still for around 20 seconds, untill sebastian started talking: "i know its kinda one of ur bestfriends but u dont mind do u?"

"couldnt care less" he said sarcasticlly with a weird feeling filled with a bit of denial what defenitly was jealousy...

Lexi's pov;

perfectly planned out she taught to herself 'he'll get jealous' it was kinda stupid what she did but it was one way of getting the attention she wants. she sat down at the table.

and so half an hour passed sebastian and lexi just talking and andrew still shocked from what the hell was happening. lexi utterly started flirting with sebastian "ur lips look really soft ya know" "they do?" sebastian responded, when the coversation just went on and on about that kind of slimey and cringe stuff while they sat way to close to eachother.

Andrew had enough he stood up within a second which was a little too fast, he looked mad.

"what the hell dude" 'im getting fresh air' and he ran out of the restaurant.

lexi felt kinda bad, why was she being so stupid... ofcourse she didnt like sebastian, she liked andrew.

it is a cold autumn night the leaves of the big threes where colurful laying on the silent road. it was dark but the latarns on the sides where making it look soft. while the wind brushed through his hair.

he walked for a bit: she looks beautifal tonight he thought by himself, her perfectly long hair and the white dress she was wearing was absolutely stunning...

the minutes passed by and lexi began too worry "wait here, ill be right back" before sebastian could say anything she was already gone.

it was cold, she looked around but she couldnt find Andrew, she started cailling "Andrew!!, Andrew??" but then she stopped he leaned against a latern looking up to the sky.

she tapped on his shoulder what scared the living crap out of andrew, "what the hell" he turned around and saw the way too cold lexi standing behind him. they started at eachother for atleast 30 seconds enjoying the sight and the soft autumn breese brushing through their hair when suddenly lexi changed plans;

"why the hell did you run off!?" "oh i did something wrong!? you suddenly show up with my bestfriend on a fricking date you were planning all this shit out just to annoy me"

lexi was speechless "yes i did plan this out what are you jealous huh?" "no" he quickly denied 'why would i be' they stopped talking

"why even did you" andrew asked ΅i was jealous okay, happy now" "what?" "wasnt it obvious i dont love sebastian" andrew turned his back on her slowly reliefed but lowkey embarresed

"I LOVE YOU U IDIOT" lexi made her desicion

Thanks for everything, plss leave a comment :) ily <3

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Lexi & Andrew // Landrew : a complicated love storyWhere stories live. Discover now