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So, im back and Thanks for 1k reads!! <3

Andrew could not sleep, that same night. well obiously.

The girl he loves confessed to him and he ignored her plus the fact that she said it was a mistake was definitly like a knife in his back.

He had a rough day ahead of him, first he has to film his new youtube video with lexi hensler then for amp world, and then the worst.

facing Charli.

It felt so wrong liking his bestfriend, but having a girlfriend?

but he decided that today he was going to put his feelings aside.

or will he?

Lexi's pov:

3 hours of sleep will be enough to get through the day right?

she stood infront of the closet picking an outfit, sweatpants and a brown croptop, who cares she was not going to film anyway.

she ran downstairs, down the hallway she bumped into someone's chest dropping her phone.

"oh im sorry " the person mumbled so she couldnt really hear his voice

he past her.

'wth' she looks behind her while picking up her phone 'ofcourse nothing has changed' it was andrew.

'yeah keep ignoring me' she whispered in a sarcastic tone.

Further past the kitchen she ignored Brent and pierson arguing about wether pierson wanted to join his snake challenge.

Witch he ofcourse won.

"Hi Lexi"
She couldn't focus on pierson trying to make a conversation she grabbed the cereal from the top shelf and the milk from the fridge

Deep in her own thoughts,

"Why are you so off lately, you seem very distracted" pierson confronted her right in the face.
"Im going to the mall," there Brent left.

Pierson came closer to here, making her very uncomfortable eating her bowl of cereal.

"What happend that night with Sebastian, is he into you?" Pierson smirked.

But stopped when she saw lexi's straight face,
"Whats wrong?"
After a 40 second silence Lexi suddenly started talking more like mumbling but whatever.

"I like someone else.."
"Wait who but what" pierson was very confused at her sudden confession.

Then she started explaining everything from the night out, to her confession and further.

"So u do like him but said it was a mistake??
Who again?"


Lexi was happy that she threw it all out except she didn't know a certain someone was easedropping from afar.

Please leave a comment and vote ty :)
I will update more often ❤️
Im sorry for the short chapter 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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Lexi & Andrew // Landrew : a complicated love storyWhere stories live. Discover now