Fire and ice

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Leo's pov
I haven't eaten, slept, or gone out of my cabin for days. People have tried getting me out my cabin, such as Jason...... I think he nearly knocked down my door. But I designed my door to uphold almost anything. So his lightning bolts weren't very effective.

But then someone who I least expected tried to get me out.

Nico's pov
Everyone's been trying to get leo out of his cabin but it's no use. While I'm thinking this Jason says "He won't come out". "We should just leave him alone" said percy. "How about I try...". I said. They always forget about me. since I'm that outcast that nobody ever notices. "but nico are you sure"? " I don't think leo would be very amused". hazel said.

"I know but I have to at least try". With that they left and I was left to try and get leo out his cabin. I knocked on the door and I heard a raspy voice like someone was crying. "go away, the more you try to get me out the more I'll refuse". That's leo. "Leo please come out already or else I'll shadow travel I'm there"! I heard no response from leo. but then I heard footsteps, and the door opened.

Leo looked like a reck. his hair was really messy, his eyes were stained red because of crying and his clothes was stained with oil and grease. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. he locked the door behind us and spoke. "why are you here? ". "I'm here because I want to help you. " Because staying in here isn't doing you any good.......please, come out already". (A/N see what I did there
😏😏) leo looked at me. " I can't......... after everything that has happened..... my life is just messed up". tears started running down Leo's face. " Leo i understand but please...... You can't stay locked up in here forever". Leo looked at me with those sad I eyes. Then he did what I least expected.

He kissed me.

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