CH 1

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Hey everyone that reads this chapter! this is the beginning of story that im really exicted for so enjoy! also i will be adding charcter info when i make new characters that accure often!

Adam POV

I wake up to a day like any other, alone and depressed. I'm kinda sad that all the friends that I had ditched me for the popular kids but that's just how life goes in today's world and whether you participate or not life will always go on without you and you'll have to accept it and move on. I get dressed and leave for what feels like the 100 jobs i have to have because of my family not accepting that i like dick and not pussy, it's funny really how that works out. Anyway, I walk inside the cafe I work at. And start the shift i've been dreading, Not even ten minutes in and my bully walks in with his girl toy which i'm pretty sure has a girlfriend and is only staying for the money. He walks to the registry I'm at and says "Heya adam whatcha up to here? I thought the last time i was here I told you to book it and live with the rats.", right in my face great he even spit on me, gross, "well if you must know i'm working my ass off so i can for my rent this month, so just leave or dont i really don't care what you do as long as it doesn't involve me.'' I say with this unknown confidence, but it does the job because he leaves but not before punching me straight in the face. "Well isnt that just great, fucking fanstastic." i yell when it starts raining knowing i have to walk home in this and that my face hurts.

(Timeskip) after work

I walk home just letting my hair just soaked until i hear a grunt in the alleyway near my apartment, now i know what you might be thinking oh hes just gonna go and sleep, yeah fuck know, around this neigherhood people die, because their idiots, but i go and look and see thats a pretty decent guy but hes hunched over...? Wait is he jacking off! Oh shit I dont wanna see that man jeez!, oh i see a knife well that's not good "hey spooky man you need some help?" i say ''Coming closer'', he laughs then says "spooky guy? You're funny, now yes i need some gosh damn help now if you could do that it would be great." spooky man says so I lift him up to my apartment. Man, he's heavy. What does this guy eat pure muscle?, "ok spooky man you sit here and i'll help you, but to do that your gonna have to take off that hideous shirt you have on." I say digging into my medical supplies, its weird that i already graduated med school because my "Family" wanted me to be a doctor before i came out as gay but now im just tired and overworked all to keep living in this forsaken world. I take out the supplies and get to work.

After the surgery i had to perform on my kitchen table mind you, it was now four in the morning and i had work in an hour, so much for sleeping i guess. The guy fell asleep due to the meds so i lifted him again and put him on my couch bed i had laid out for him and let him stay, leaving a note saying he could eat anything he could find, and leave the stuff there because i need to wash everything anyway, and that he could leave because i was at work and apologized for not being there to help him. I start work the same as always, slow and boring with additional old ladies yelling at me because i put the straw in the wrong way, like how would you know how?!, I end work at three and make it to my apartment, and unlock the door. I see the beds have been made without the things I needed to wash. May as well start cleaning now.

As i was finishing cleaning the medical stuff i used last night and the dishes piling up from the last couple weeks, I hear a banging on my door, who the hell would be here i have no friends, anyway i open the door to see the same guy from last night with a few others that i have helped sometime since i moved here "what the fuck do you want?" I say about to close the door, they all smirk and i'm confused about this a contest or something, "Well since you helped us we decided to help you." he says, I yawn "At three in the morning?" i ask pretty frustrated "Yep we've been here for awhile watching you almost fall asleep doing the dishes, so we decided to help you by forcing you to sleep because i know you don't sleep very well." he says trying to come in,"hold up you ain't gonna do shit i dont need help, or sleep for that matter, so go back to where you came from and don't come here unless your dying.'' I say closing the door. It burst open "what the hell!' I say looking at my now open door only to see their smiles, okay that's creepy. "Boys grab him will ya." spooky man says, I try and run but I feel myself being lifted and slowly rocked with something warm on my stomach going in circular motions "wh-at are you doing?" I asked, feeling sleepy, "well your going to sleep little eagle." the man holding me says. I feel sleepy and through hooded eyes i see im leaving my apartment, i grunt and try to fight against their hold but it's no use because he just shushes me and rubs my back but before i fall asleep i hear one say "finally he sure puts up a fight wait till boss meets him, oh is he gonna fix these nasty habits he has, you see those bags, his ribs?, we gotta hurry before he wakes up though..." one says but i feel my eyes close and welcome the darkness, goodnight world.

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