i: we're the pogues

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OUTERBANKS, paradise on earth.

"that's what? a three-story fall to the deck? i'd give you a one-in-three chance of survival." a dark-skinned boy comments, looking up at one of his friends who was foolishly balancing on a roof of a construction site.

the brunette licked his finger and held it up, checking the wind. "hmm, should i do it?" he asked jokingly.

"yeah, you should jump." his friend says, holding up a drill and pointing it at him, "i'll shoot you on the way down"

"yeah, he'd probably use your body for some creepy ass experiment after, too." a brunette girl adds from her position cloud-gazing on the ground, red sunglasses covering her eyes, her comment earning a chuckle from the blonde boy next to her.

the boy on the roof ignores her comment, used to it, "you'll shoot me? pow." he replies, making an imaginary gun with his finger and shooting him.

another young girl walks out of the building, "they're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." she informs, clear disgust covering her face.

"why wouldn't they?" the blonde boy asks rhetorically, however he is still met with an answer from the girl, "this used to be turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, i guess?".

"i cant have cold towels" he states, earning a slap on the arm from the girl next to him, "shut up jj, i like turtles."

the other girl seemed to have moved on from the conversation, noticing her idiotic friend stood on the roof, "can you please not kill yourself?" she asks sassily.

"don't spill that beer. im not giving you another one." jj warns, referring to the can that his friend was holding.

"last time i checked, kie gave us all the beers, not you." the tanning girl reminded, not bothering to move from her spot.

"woah! oh shit" the brunette almost falls off the building, dropping his beer in the process.

"of course you did, like right after i told you not to"

"nice one, genius."

the boy just groaned in faux sadness, reaching out towards the lost can.


"hey, uh, security's here." the quiet boy calls, "let's wrap it up."

the group starts to move, all spitting out comments about the situation, "boys are early today." the blonde boy says to no one in particular.

"Humpty Dumpty let's roll!" the boy holding the power drill yelled, making his way down the ladder he had climbed up.

"let's go, losers." the curly haired girl instructed, a mischievous smirk on her face.

jj had clearly recognised one of the officers as he yelled, loudly asking if it was gary, earning a scolding from his friends.

the group broke out into a run, sprinting through the house, only to be met with two officers who were ready to catch them.

"hey, stop!" gary ordered only to be ignored by the kids who had broken apart and started sprinting in different directions.

"get 'em. they're coming your way!"

one guard managed to grab jj for a couple seconds but his attempt to keep him in his grip was failing quickly.

"not much of a hugger, man!" jj laughed, running away. the brunette girl following him laughing her ass off.

they group get round to a gate and each jump it, everyone being successful other than the dark skinned boy who fell after getting over the top. "get up, pope, fatso's coming!"

the guard was unable to get over the fence, causing chuckles from the out of breath teens. "hey, come here you little pricks!"

the brunette boy had gotten in their 'getaway' vehicle called 'The Twinkie" and honked the horn announcing, "bus is leaving!"

they all managed to get in the car and had started driving, jj poking his head out of the open door, looking back at gary who was still running after them.

they all taunt the poor man whilst jj gets a beer and prepares to throw it at him, "you're so close, you can do it! there you go! they don't pay you enough, bro." he mocks.

the brunette girl from earlier pulls him back into the car and shuts the door sighing with a large smile on her face,

"you're gonna get us arrested."

the outerbanks. paradise on earth. it's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. two tribes, one island. this is figure eight, the rich side of the island. home of the kooks. so, i guess where we don't live. and then this is the south side or the cut. home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. natural habitat of, drumroll please.... the pogues. that's us. pogues, pogies, throwaway fish, lowest member of the food chain. okay, so, downside to pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. but upside to pogue life? we're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want. we surf, party, drink and just have a good time.

that's jj, my best friend since the third grade. he's about as local as they come, latest in a long live of fishing, drinking, smuggling vandetta holding salt lifers, who made their living off the water. best surfer i know, just don't tell him or odette i said that. oh yeah, he's totally in love with odette but is too dumb to realise it, it's kinda sad to watch. but it's also kinda funny. mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat.

that's kiara, or kie as we call her. when she's not saving turtles or listening to marley or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. not really sure why though. so, she's a rich kid actually, foot in both worlds. her family owns the wreck, which is this outerbanks institution. total cash cow with tourists. i'm not really sure how her parents feel about us. i guess we all sorta have a thing for her. she and odette have a lot of history, we don't talk about it much but it's.... intense.

that's pope, the brains of the operation. finalist for the lucas t vandermorst merit scholarship. and the smartest person i know. little bit of a weirdo. alright, so, his father's this legendary character, heyward. anything you wanted on the island, heyward could get it for you. now, i'm not sure heyward knew what to make of his oddball son but it didn't matter. he was a pogue. just like the rest of us.

and then there's odette, the badass. we don't know much about her living situation as she just stays with me most of the time, she's not very open about it but it doesn't matter; she's one of us. we all care for her a lot, she's not super open about this either, but she is diagnosed with adhd and anxiety and it really gets to her, it's hard seeing her like that. what we do know is that she would do anything for any of us and wouldn't hesitate. she often joins jj with smoking a blunt whenever she gets the chance, they're inseparable. and completely oblivious. they're so in love it's disgusting.

so, that's my crew. we're the pogues and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time.

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