AU 1 - Part 1

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(This AU is post ending where Puro and Lin escapes but Lin is still human)
(There will also be photos like this i will make every once in a while if i feel like it at the start of each chapter. They might or might not have to deal with what happens in the chapter. Also yes, i know this is the title art, i just feel lazy for this one and you can't see the full art in the title)

 Also yes, i know this is the title art, i just feel lazy for this one and you can't see the full art in the title)

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"Im sure hes just sleeping" Puro was hoping that this was true, he was his only company and grew to like the human. Eventually, Puro fell asleep as well since they were in the facility awake the entire time.
When Puro woke up, Lin was still asleep, Puro shook him, hoping that he woke up and he did. Puro immediately knew that something was wrong though. Lin was breathing harder then he usually did, and looked like he was still tired. When Lin talked, he also sounded tired. Despite all this, they both knew that they had to get going

"The doctor might not have been lying" Lin said. "Even if he wasn't, that place wasn't safe for you" Puro responded. Lin knew it was true, but didn't want to think about what he was doing by going outside with the virus. Puro gets up and walks in a random direction "Come on human, lets go". Lin tries to stand up and to his surprise, half succeeds. The action kind of made him dizzy, though. They walk for a while just trying to find a hint of civilization. After a few hours, all the walking has taken everything Lin had left, and he fell on the floor laying on his back, panting. Puro runs over to Lin and sits next to him. "Human, are you all right? You look pale". Lin simply shakes his head, and Puro lays down on his back with Lin. "I have read about the virus a decent amount. It will take about 1-2 weeks to kill you depending on how resilient you are. For you, it should take at least 12 days. We probably have some time to find some place that has a cure! There must be one... right? How else was everything else cured?" Lin just hoped Puro was right, then went to sleep. Puro noticed he was sleeping and decided to just sleep as well.

(12 Days Left)
Puro wakes up and wakes Lin up, he knows that the virus will make him unable to walk in 3 days, and the human is heavy for him, so he wants to have the human walk on his own while be still can, even if it is a little cruel to make him walk with it. They walk for what feels like hours, and were hours until they found a singular house that was still kind of intact and had no sign of any latex, though the chances of latex monsters here were more unlikely then the chances of Lin not actually having the virus. Lin is relieved to have finally been able to settle down for a second because just walking for him gave him pain, and Puro was trying to ask him questions or talk to him in general. "So, now that we are settled down can you talk?" Puro said. "Sure, Puro" Lin responded in a raspy and light voice. "Yayyy! Human responded." "What do you want to talk about" Lin said, again with a raspy light voice". Without hesitation, the first thing Puro asked was "What was it like before the virus" Lin... didn't actually remember. The only other thing he remembered was him getting kidnapped and him hitting his head against the back of the stasis chamber he awoke in. "I... don't remember" "What do you mean you don't remember?" Puro felt kind of sad that the one thing that he wanted to know most was unable to be answered by the human. "The only thing that I remember was getting kidnapped and hitting my head on the stasis chamber, other then that I only know my name, age, and date of birth". This got Puro thinking about the next most important question "What even is your name? I only ever called you human even though you always called me Puro". "My name is Lin... I think, it's the only name I remember at least and I like it" Lin responded. "Then i shall call you Lin, human!.. wait- Then i shall call Lin, Lin!". Lin chuckled upon hearing this, but immediately started coughing a lot, probably from the virus. They decided they should sleep now, so they did.

(11 Days Left)
Puro woke up and decided to look around the house before waking Lin up, due to multiple reasons. First because he probably needed more rest for the journey. Second because they never looked around the house when they first went in yesterday. Third because Puro didn't want to disturb Lin while he was sleeping. After some looking around, Puro found some bottled water and canned food luckily enough. Puro could give 2/3s of the food to the human and have the rest due to the Latex's metabolism being much slower then a human's metabolism. Reluctantly, Puro woke Lin up from his slumber and gave him the water and food. Lin ate/drank all of it to Puro's surprise. Perhaps Puro underestimated how fast human metabolism was. Either that or the virus also made human's metabolism faster. After finishing up most of his, he gave the rest to Lin, which ate the rest of it and they started to walk in the same direction some more. After walking for about half a day, they made it to a small ghost town, which luckily to them, had an unlocked house and a grocery store with bottled water and canned food in it (Don't worry guys, the luck was from Puro and Lin praying to the ancient god by the name of Plot Armor). After they got as many supplies as possible from the grocery store, such as a backpack (that Puro has on currently), a flashlight, and some binoculars. Overall, they were pretty lucky. They decided that they might want to go to sleep if they want an early start in the morning. After they ate some food and drank some water, they went straight to sleep, Puro was more focused on getting Lin to safety then talking to him right now.

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