Q&A answers

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#1. Hair Color- Blonde! 💁🏼‍♀️It's a light blonde but it gets darker during the winter months when I'm inside more and not exposed to the sun!

#2. Do you have any pets?- Yes! Two dogs!🐕 Sadie a Chihuahua Maltese mix! Shes 8 years old! And Lolli! Her mom was a beagle Australian shepherd mix and we have no clue about the dad but we're pretty sure it was a chocolate lab since she looks exactly like one! Minus her short little beagle legs! And Lolli is just a little over a year! But she's big!

#3. What's your favorite 1D song?🎧- What Makes You Beautiful! 100%!! No doubt!! Although Up All Night and Steal My Girl are close seconds! Actually I'm in love with the whole Up All Night album and a few others! Lol! I can't pick!😂

#4. What's your fav flower?💐- Hmmm. That's a tough one! So many are so beautiful! It's hard to pick just one! Roses are pretty! But so are angelonias! Azaleas are just gorgeous! Orange and red begonias look like mini flames! But daffodils are so cute! Those actually grow wild in my yard in the spring! Then mid-spring and summer the wild irises pop up! And then lastly in the fall we have spider-lilies! Those are so cool looking but they only last around a week or two!

#5. What's your favorite Disney/DreamWorks movie?- Oh geez. I should have known someone would ask this! THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE!!! HOW CAN I PICK JUST 1 DISNEY MOVIE AND/OR 1 DREAMWORKS MOVIE?! They're all so good! To answer this I have to narrow it down! Now my favorite Disney princess movies are definitely Mulan(I can quote that movie by heart in my sleep I've seen it so many times! The animated version not the live action!) Brave(I LOVE MERIDA!! AND SCOTLAND IN GENERAL!!! IF YOUR FROM SCOTLAND I LOVE YOU!!!♥️), and Rapunzel since apparently I'm just like her and I look like her minus the green eyes.🙄😄
And let's be honest the songs are amazing! But I also love Aladdin, Tarzan, Atlantis the Lost Empire, and Treasure Planet! Along with many more! Now as for DreamWorks I'm in LOVE with The Guardians, The Kung Fu Pandas, and all the How to Train Your Dragon movies and shows!📽️🍿

#6. Fav Marvel movie/character?- Oh boy! Again that's like impossible to pick!! I love Black Panther! That's definitely one of my top favorites! I also love both Antmans bc Scott is hilarious! He's so underrated! Give Scotty needs more love! And Luis! I FREAKING LOVE LUIS!!!
My other favorites are Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and Captain America: Civil War simply for the fact Bucky Barnes is in them! He is the loml!!♥️ Then Age of Ultron bc of Pietro!! Another loml! HE'S HOT AND HE DIDN'T DESERVE HIS DEATH!!! LIKE THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR IT!!! And finally Captain Marvel! I LOVE that one! Young Fury is hilarious!!😂 Now for just characters T'Challa, Shuri, Okeye, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Nat, Scott, Gamora, Nebula, Groot, Peter Parker(other other loml!♥️ He also looks so freaking adorable!! How can anyone not love him?!), MJ, and Carol! Basically all the handsome characters, all the funny characters and the strong female characters! Lol! 😂

#7. Fav artists (like in music)🎶- Why Don't We, 1D, Imagine Dragons, Britt Nicole, Bruno Mars, Rachel Platten, Kelly Clarkson, Andy Grammer, I Am They, Army of Light, Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Mandisa, for KING & COUNTRY, and Newsboys to name a few!😅🎶🎧

#8. How did you get into writing?- WARNING! EXTREMELY LONG ANSWER!! Honestly? It's sorta always been apart of me I guess. I've always been an avid reader. Ever since I was young. I'd read just about anything and I could read really well. But I was always more drawn to fantasy and adventure. I could really imagine the fictional world I was reading about or watching! I would get so into it I'd forget I was reading or watching altogether. I'd lose myself for hours in a good book or show! It was my own personal escape! And I escaped to it often bc it was better than reality.
Then over the last several years I've caught myself coming up with scenes and scenarios about stuff I read or things I watched. Like how I thought a certain scene would play out. I never really made up my own characters in the beginning it was just using characters from the book/movie/show whatever. And I really enjoyed it. I've always practically lived in the fictional world so finding a way to use my very active imagination and creativity in a way that not only stimulated me but something I enjoyed! Then I discovered Wattpad last September. At first I was only a reader. Then slowly as the months past and I read more and more fanfictions I started wondering what it'd be like if I wrote a story. I never considered it b4 bc I never had any of my own characters so if I used others it'd be copyright. But then one day when I was reading a Captain Americas daughter fanfic. BAM! A scene literally just started playing out in my head like a video! I was barely even thinking about it! It was like it played all on its own! It started with this young blonde girl captured by SHIELD and taken in. She then awakes and takes down all the guards with some sick kick ass moves! And that ladies and gentlemen was the birth of my first ever OC. Can you guess who it was???

Well if you guessed Charlie from my book Find A Stranger, Say Goodbye then your right! Charlie was my first ever OC and it was her that gave me the last push I needed to pursue writing! It's become my passion even if I can't commit to one fic at a time!😂

So you asked how I got into writing? Well thats the extended version answer!😂 It's always been apart of my life in some way, shape, form or fashion! But thanks you a push from Charlie and the loving people in my life I pursued it and found my passion and maybe even my calling in life!


#10. If you could live anywhere for one year where would you live?- 🌍Again that's a hard choice! The Caribbean is beautiful! But so is Paris! Scotland is breathtaking! 🌎But I've also always wanted to see Romania! And Brazil! Argentina! Venice! Galapagos! So many places are all so beautiful!🌏🧳

#11. If you could speak to any influential woman in history, who would you speak to? And what would you talk to them about?- Maybe Elenore Roosevelt? I would probably ask her what she thinks about Women's rights today and Women's equality in work places. 👩🏻‍🔬👩🏼‍🔧👩🏽‍🏭👩🏾‍⚖️👮🏿‍♀️

#12. Whats your favorite thing about Christmas?- 🎄Hmm. Probably watching Charlie Brown Christmas with my family! Thats our tradition every year! Every Christmas Eve we watch Charlie Brown Christmas together! When we're all together just enjoying a movie! Then after Charlie Brown we move onto other Christmas movies! Like the Grinch, sometimes Rudolph🦌, Hallmark movies! Just spending time together as a family!⛄

#13. Favorite book?- Well my favorite book series is Keeper of the Lost Cities no doubt! But I also like The Unwanteds, The Mysterious Benedict Society, Sky Fall, Shadow and Bone, Land of Stories, Tale of Magic, and I started reading the Eona series!

#14. Are you born between January - June? Or July - December?- I'll do you one better since I already announced my birthday a few months back! My birthday is August 18th and since I also said how old I was in that announcement might as well say it here! I'm 16 years old!

#15. What is your favorite holiday?- Definitely Christmas I'd have to say!🎄 All the decorations, lights, my family is generally all together! I love it!♥️

#16. Do you have any siblings?- Yep! Two older sisters and an older brother! I'm the youngest in my family! My two sisters are married and my brother is in his mid-twenties! I'm the only child left in the house!

#17. Sweet or Sour candy?- Depends on my mood! I LOVE chocolate but I also love trolli gummy worms and sour patch kids!

#18. What's your favorite part of writing?- The freedom to express my creativity! A chance to show parts of me that make up my characters. The idea of creating a whole new world filled with characters that have their own lives filled with ups and downs. I can't explain it really but bringing the characters that live in my head to life on paper fills me with so much joy and excitement I can't explain it!😄♥️ I hope that made sense!😅

#19. Your birthdate?- Well your already know the month and day from a question above but I was born 2005!

#20. Your favorite subject?- ✍🏻Writing definitely!📝

#21. Your favorite person?- No one! I don't have just one favorite person! I have tons! My friends! My family! They're all my favorite!💖

#22. What is your ethnicity?- I'm caucasian.

Thank you all for participating in my Q&A! I loved answering all your questions and I hope I provided satisfying answers!😂 I also want to thank all 302 of the people who follow me! I'm so thankful and happy to all of you!! You all have made me one of the happiest people ever over the past year since I joined Wattpad! I've made great friends, new family, met some of the most freaking funniest people on the planet! Like seriously y'all are hilarious!🤣 And I've also met some of the kindest and most supportive people ever!

No matter who you are, how I met you, why you followed me I love each and every single one of you and I want to thank each and every single one of you for everything you all have done for over the past year! You all have done much more than you know for me and for for that I'm truly thankful! I love each and every single one of you! Your all amazing, smart, kind, beautiful people that I can't believe I got the privilege to meet and talk with!💖✨💖✨💖

XoXo ♥️Lark💫

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