Chapter 4 (edited)

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Louis POV:

I was woken up by loud sobs coming from Harry's bed I get up and see him jolt up in the little light of the room coming from the window. I can see the sweat on his forehead. He looked so scared and lost. He looks over to me, and I knew he needed someone. I just opened my arms. He got the message, and ran into my arms,holding on to me like his life depended on it. I felt so bad for the kid, I know he didn't commit the crime he was accused of.

Soon his sobs stop and was just his shaky breaths. I could hear his light snores coming from his nose being stopped up from crying. His head was on my chest, hands balled into my shirt. I was leaning on the wall. My arms wrap around the taller boy. My hand rubbed his back making sure he stayed clam. Soon I feel in to a deep, dreamless sleep.
"You will watch and be the care taker of these two, no one wants to be near the crazy boy who killed his family, so no one wants to take care of his room mate.  You're  now on 24/7 watch for them,here are their folders your room is next door. Here is the keys for both rooms. Good luck zayn, you might just be crazy yourself." I hear the none other then Mrs.Belmont voice say put side my door this morning.

"Thank you I will keep a good eye on them" a new voice say. I look over to the clock on the wall to see it was 7:30. that's wired someone wakes me up at 6 ever morning and gives me my meds but I just now notice no one came to this room seen Harry got here. I then look down to see Harry sleeping figure on my chest still. I did not notice I was staring till I hear someone clear there throat. I look behind me to see a dude with glasses on and a sweater looking at me.

"Hello are you Mr.Tomlinson?"he asked I nodded.

"Oh ok hello I'm Zayn no I do not always dress like this I just need this job so today I did but I will take care of you and mr.styles.",Zayn says.

"If you wore a baggy shirt with holes at your nibs and a pair of boxers here they would have you the job. and my name is Louis this is Harry he only talks to people he can trust" I say.

"Ok then ummm I'm going to go get your guys meds i will be back in 5 wake him please if he likes you so much thanks louis" he says walking out. I look down at Harry and brush my fingers trow his hair he open his eyes slowly he looks up at me and smiles then blushes sitting up.

"S-sorry about that" he says looking down.

"It's fine love I'm here for you mate" I say

"Me to" I hear Baleigh voice her opening the vent and craws out.

"Baleigh no leave zayn can be back soon and you can get in tro-". I was saying before I hear his voice.

"Why is there a chick coming out the vent." zayn says. Baleigh looks scared.

"I um I was umm comeing I I I got to go bye" she says about to go bake trow the vent again. zayn sats the pills down and runs to her graving her by the back of her shirt.

"Oh no you don't. What's your name, love?"

"Baleigh Payne"

"Why are you in the vents?"

"I'm trapped in my room for the rest of my life."

"Oh ok then you can stay, I won't tell." zayn says letting her go picking up the pills and handing them to me and Harry he then goes get two water bottles from the floor I did see him drop.

"Really?" Baleigh ask

"Yeah I don't care you all seem cool. I guess you can say I'm a little out of my mind my self." zayn says with a shrug.

"That's nice but I hope you don't mind us getting around like that" Baleigh say "because there is a lot of us"

"Naw I want to try it some time but I got to work and oh yeah Lou you have therapy at 8:10 get ready Harry you have a meeting with your lawyer at 8 so chop chop get going its 7:5o go now" zayn say flapping his arms like a mad man. Baleigh waves bye then craws out leaving me and Harry to rush to get ready.
"Louis how you been with this all" Dr.Mario said with a smile.

"It's been 2 day doc not much just well a lot" I say thinking man I lot has happened in two days.

"Tell me what's been going on" she says pushing up her glasses.

"I got a roommate and some friends" I say not sure what to really say.

"What are your friends name, how you all meet?" She ask writing something down.

"Oh we'll there is so far ummm Niall, Baleigh, Luke, zayn and my roommate Harry" I say thinking about Baleigh brother and his friends maybe he will be there friends to someday.

"How you meet them all? Not your room mate I can guess on that one." she says with a light laugh.

"I meet Niall first I was being me and snooping around lessing to a meeting at the hospital." she gave me a look saying you should not do that. "but umm he followed me and when I was hiding he came out of no were and scared me but yeah that's how we meet." I look up at the doc she was writing stuff down so I just keep going.
"Baleigh was kinda funny she saved me and Niall from being spotted by the guards. she came to us saying follow her and we did to the air vent and we crawled to her room, it was all padded with just a bed and a radio. she told me and Ni were are rooms were and how to get them. the next day me and Niall could not leave are rooms so Baleigh came and got us so I could see my new roommate before he got here she picked up Luke who is her boyfriend on the way and yeah that's it" I say thinking about how crazy that all sounded. Dr. Mario looked a little shocked.

"That's away to meet people" she says with a smile "umm what about zayn who is that?"

"Oh my new person who takes care of me and Harry" I say

"Do you like Harry is he nice why is he there you know?" She says crossing her legs sitting up a little.

"Yeah he a sweet lad he is mute to most unless he trust you and he was framed for killing his family and they said he was crazy. oh he is also gay like me." I tell her. Her eyes go wide.

"Harry styles the 20 year old kid who killed his family is your roommate?" She ask in shock.

"Yes and he did not kill his family he was framed." I state

"How do you know you can believe him Louis Tomlinson how?"she says raising a eyes brow at me.

"Because I do and any one can see this he is not a likelier he is a cute baby face shy little boy who is different so he gets treated different and it's not far people keep jugging him when he did nothing."I say with anger in my voice.

She only smiles. "Lou tell me more about Harry"

"He has curly chest knot brown hair with light eyes kinda blue green he is tall and sweet he has nightmares and some tattoos he is open and shy he is just so sweet" I say with a smile.

"Lou do you have a crush on him" she says with a smirk.

"A what no I don't think so do I,I I don't know maybe" I say unsure do I like Harry I think I might.

"You figure that out but the hour is up Lou have a nice day see you in 2 days." she says standing I nod and walk out.

Back at the hospital I keep thinking about the question:

"Do I like Harry?" I ask my self.

Before I could think there was a loud scream that sounded a lot like Harry come from down the hall. I run that way to only find Harry on the floor with a bloody nose and tears going down his face.

Lol ok so AHHH cliff hanger kinda I'm trying to make chapters longer and more exciting but I am writing most of this in my phone so sorry if it's bad and stuff don't make sense. more people at the top comment and vote if your enjoying this love you all bye -T.L <3

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