Sally's Departure

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Fundy clung to his stuffed bear as the shouts between his parents grew louder and more restless, like a storm that started off gentle only to turn into a tornado a few moments later.

"So that's it then? You're just going to pack your bags and leave us just like that?"

"Will, you're not listening to me. I had a life before you. I have a family. My father is dying because I'm not there to help. Don't you give a shit?"

"I give a shit. I give a shit about you, about our son, about my nation-"

"You and your stupid nation. That's all I hear about now a days. What happened to the boy I fell in love with by the river? The boy that used to sing to me as he braided my hair or told me all about how he desperately wanted to have a family? You and your 'brilliant' ideas with those rotten boys. You're just a coward and I can't do this." Sally walked over to the door and opened it, but Wilbur caught her by the hand.

"And what happened to the girl by the river that used to tell me, 'those that abandon the ones they love are incapable of love'? I thought you resented your family. I thought I could make you happy. I thought you were happy here." Sally stared at Wilbur's hand on hers. Fundy could see the glistening scales that had once again invaded her skin. He'd noticed that they would often flare up when his parents argued. Sometimes Sally would leave for hours or even days at a time to cool off in the ocean. But that was only a temporary solution to a much bigger problem.

"Let me go." Sally said in a firm and distant tone. Though unwilling and hesitant, Wilbur did as she pleased. He stepped back, almost knocking over one of the kitchen chairs. Sally stayed in the doorway. "I was happy here." Her voice was tight and she spoke as if it were obvious. Though despite her statement, she pulled the door open entirely.

"Sally, if you step through that door..." the threat remained empty. It fell off Wilbur's mouth like a sword an unbalanced in the heat of battle. Sally stood at the edge of the open doorway and Fundy watched the soft sunlight turn her strawberry hair into a swirly field of fire. Her bright blue eyes were darker and wetter than usual. The tip of her nose was glowing red as were the sides of her cheeks. She held onto Wilbur's gaze for a few moments longer. She wore a stern expression that Fundy had never seen on her before. It almost looked like betrayal. Then she turned to him and her whole face melted, and Fundy felt his insides do the same.

At the small age of six, Fundy wasn't completely aware of what was happening, but he knew it had to be bad for his mother to look at him in such a way.

Quiet tears streamed down his cheeks as Sally rushed over to him. She knelt down and held his face in her hands. Her eyes were like giant ocean pools filled with the all world's sadness and regret. She gently wiped his tears and studied Fundy's face like it was the last time she'd ever see it.

"I would stay, if I could." She said. Her voice sounded quiet, as if adding any volume would break it to pieces. "But I can't." Her teardrops fell and stained her brown-colored dress. She drew her hands from Fundy's face and gathered them around his much smaller hands. "Please be a good boy for daddy, ok?" Her final request offered by the hands she pleaded with. Fundy was frozen. He couldn't move or respond. The only way he knew he wasn't dying was the awful sound of his heart pulsing in his ears. Then mama pulled him into a hug so tight that he was almost certain she'd never let go.

But then she did.

She turned around quickly and didn't look back. Her red curls bounced out the door and down the path that went deep into the woods. Dad started cursing and throwing things, but Fundy was still frozen. He watched that hair until it completely disappeared. And then his voice finally broke from its icy spell and he shouted for his mom to come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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