Shattered Glass

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Third Person POV

It was during the month of May, Laya's parents decided to surprise their daughter by paying her a visit after three months of marriage. The entire trip was planned by Bella. All she wanted was her wife to be happy and what more than surprising with her parents' visit. Just so you know, Laya's parents worked in the Panaji City development board and lead a simple life. They were a bit sad that their only daughter moved to Chennai post-marriage and work involved their presence at all times. Laya was jumping with joy upon seeing them and engulfed them in a bear hug.

After refreshing, Bella prepared breakfast for them and they all ate it merrily. Soon, the couple and Laya's parents went out shopping and had lunch outside. Laya was suddenly craving ice cream which was sold in a parlor in ECR and Bella drove her there. Bella stopped the car outside the parlor and took the orders of their ice creams. "I love you so much. I am feeling complete now" Laya said and gave a quick peck on Bella's cheeks. She turned to look at her in-laws who gave her a thumbs up with a huge smile. Bella got out of the car and was walking towards the parlor when a heard a huge noise of something crashing. Turning behind, she sees her car toppled and hit by a huge truck which crashed on it at a high speed. The driver of the truck got out and ran away from the site. 

Blood was everywhere. An ambulance rushed to the spot and carried the three to the nearest hospital. The three were rushed into the emergency ward. Bella broke down feeling helpless and scared. It should have been me. Why did I leave them? The media somehow knew about the accident and were swarming outside the hospital as it was a piece of high-profile news. Bella immediately contacted her PR team to vacate the media from the hospital premises as there was a disturbance to the public also.

Five minutes later, the doctor came out and said, "I am sorry I couldn't save your in-laws. They lost too much blood. The trauma of the injury was huge and even surgery would have failed. Your wife........ she has hemorrhage. She has heavy internal bleeding. There is no chance she would survive. I am sorry for your loss I tried my best" Bella broke down and cried her heart out until she didn't have it in her. "Ma'am, your wife wants to speak with you" a nurse came up to Bella and told her. 

Bella went inside the room. IV bottles, tubes, and monitors were connected to Laya's limp body. "Hey, Sia" Laya whispered. Isabella cried and ran towards her dying wife. Holding her hand in her palms she placed kisses all over it. "Please don't leave me. I love you so much, please don't" Bella cried. "Hey, shhh. I don't have time. Promise me you'll move on and not let my death affect anything. I don't want you to live with this forever. I love you so much. It's not in our stars to live forever in this birth but I promise to be with you forever in the next birth. It's ok" she said. "Don't talk rubbish. I want you now. Don't leave me alone" but it was too late, Laya breathed her last. 

Laya's extended family blamed Bella for her death and called her a curse. Some of their relatives even filed a case for claiming Bella's ex-in-laws' insurance money. She didn't want to escalate further problems and let them live with any compensation that was given to Bella. For two whole months, she couldn't do anything due to the shock. She went to a therapist and finally moved on despite the pain of being alone.

Isabella POV

"I couldn't forgive myself for days, Ajay. When I told I wanted to move on and hopefully find another partner, many called me unfaithful. What wrong did I do? Just because I am a widow now, doesn't mean I get to suffer the most. I have suffered from a huge loss and the best one could do is either console me or just give me my space. Instead, people were being such an ass by trying to put me down. I worked so hard to redeem myself. I concentrated only on work and nothing else. When you entered my life again, I was hesitant about it. But now, I have you all to myself, and no way in hell will I let you go. Promise to stay beside me, forever Ajay" I narrated my story with tears.

"I love you too much to let go of you. You're stuck with me for life" Ajay said and crashed his lips onto mine and again, we made sweet and wild love throughout the night.


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Also, Laya called Bella, Sia from Bella's middle name, "Garcia".

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