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Fluff: 💖


Angst: 💔

Smut + Fluff: 🥝

Yandere: 🔪



                        Madara is a history teacher, he's really popular with his (girls) students, he did found one of the girls (A teacher) attractive for him, until they dated and Madara's fangirls are very sad that he dated a girl, but hey at least the fangirls accept them, right? Until, Madara's girlfriend cheated on him and said,

"You know, I only used you for popularity only, Madara~" The girl said with a cocky voice,

                When, Madara heard this, he became furious and never wanted to date anyone since then. He is tired of getting his feelings played by the girl he dated once, even though it's only once he did not want to risk his feelings again. Not until there is a student comes to his life, Madara found this certain student interesting, he has a beautiful blonde hair, shining blue eyes and 3 whiskers on every side of his cheeks, he use piercings. He also have a feminine face and body, it's like he is perfect for Madara only. Until a certain thought block him from falling in love with this student and that is, he is a teacher and he's a student. 

              "Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! I'm 19 years old and I like to eat ramen!" That's what his student said,

              Ever since that time, Madara started to stalk him, he wanted to know about Naruto's personal information.  And he puts his notes about Naruto,

  And he puts his notes about Naruto,

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Name: Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze

Age: 19

Likes: Ramen, studying and hanging out with his friends

Parents: Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze

Parents present: Gone oversea

Siblings: None

Crush: None

               Madara really is grateful that Naruto has no siblings nor crush, but what made him mad is that Fūka kissed Naruto. How did he know this? Well, he got information from his previous teachers, they said that Naruto had an ex-girlfriend named Fūka, but she cheated on him with someone else, and Fūka is Madara's ex-girlfriend.  He can't believe that he ever dated a disgusting girl like her much worse it that Fūka ever dated and kiss Naruto. Then, he had a plan on torturing Fūka's life, first for hurting and playing with Naruto's feelings second for cheating on him. He planned on kidnapping Fūka and kill her, wait no scratch that torture her.

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