Selph In'serté x Dream

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AN - for more information about Selph In'serté and her story, check out Nagito and Me (very sexy), another magnificent professionally written story by me.

Selph In'serté, the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman, woke up in her cell. The walls were painted grey, and she could see her roommate still lying on their bed.

"Hey Dream, why are you still in in bed? Get up, you lazybones"

Dream, the ultimate speedrunner, lay opposite her, unmoving. They hadn't been the same, ever since they were caught cheating at a minecraft speedrun and locked away in a maximum security prison.

"The fact is... i can never get off of my mattress :("

"Well, you need to get up soon, or the guards will come and get you."

"I'm always being judged by a bunch of strange faces. Scared to go outside, haven't seen the light in ages"

Selph laughed.

"Well if you wanna see the light, I guess you'll just have to escape, huh? How're you gonna do that without a disguise?"

Dream started to sing

"That's what the mask is... that's what the point of the mask is"

Selph shrugged, and walked out of the cell, desperate to get some food before she starved to death. She was the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman, and that required a large amount of nutrition. But no sooner had she entered the hall, her path was blocked by a towering individual.

Georgenotfound, the Ultimate Deviantartist, frequent purveyor of hyperinflation art stood before her.

"So, In'serté, been talking to my boyfriend have you?" Selph shrugged. "You fucking watch it. You speak to him again, you're dead. Don't expect your husband Nagito to defend you. Watch your back. Anyway, follow my deviantart..."

He slinked away, back into the shadows. Selph shrugged, and got onto the line for the food. They were serving her favourite flavour of soup today - grey. She heaped a healthy serving onto her plate and sat down to eat. Before she could even sit down however, a deafening crash was heard, as Hiyoko Saionji, ultimate Hang Glider, future leader of the infamous Uchiha Hang-Glider clan, crashed through the wall, holding Dream by the wrist.


Selph looked up, delighted to be freed from this prison, desperate to find her husband and have his children. She jumped at the opportunity, eager to escape with her favourite roommate. But Georgenotfound was not so happy with this new development.

He charged at Hiyoko, bellowing at her to let go of his boyfriend. Hiyoko rose into the air, her hang glider unfurling, and she charged into George, knocking him over. Selph In'serté jumped onto her back, and they fled the prison, ready to start a new life. But Hiyoko had other plans...


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