mirror, combs, and hairs

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Roseanne Park

  Roseanne was just finished in showering when the lights started to flicker, and being the scaredy cat she is,
she immediately leaped to her sister's
room shaking as she did so.

Her sister, not surprised anymore from her antics just sighed and continued typing on her keyboard letting roseanne
The lights started flickering again
causing the younger park to yelp with scared face.

Alice found it unusual since there was nothing wrong and they paid their bills just in time.
The technician also informed them that they'll be alright days ago.

“Alice? Where are you going?”
Roseanne's voice made her snapped her head towards the younger.
“I'll just check what happened..”
She replied.

Roseanne had to be forced to stay in Alice's room when the lights started flickering again, this time more longer than the others.
She was scared out of her wits knowing that this is what happens in horror movies when the ghost would start to appear.

A crisp wind made her jolt and whine
seeing as alice is still not here,
she looked around the room finding it quiet and okay.
Only sighing in relief after seeing the window opened.
Thank God that's where the wind was coming from..

She was about to close it when her peripheral vision caught a movement down their backyard.
She paid no mind to it when suddenly a whisper broke in her ear,

Rosie I'm in your backyard~”

The voice singsong making Roseanne cried out to her sister,
It did not help when the flickering are still continuing.
Then suddenly, the flickering stops
the spine chilling feeling that she got earlier form the voice disappeared.
She just dismissed it as her being overly paranoid.

I should really stop watching horror movies when I'm this scared.

Her sister came in the room looking confused at her tear stained sister,
Rosie just told her that she's being overly paranoid.

“Glad that you know, hahahaha”
Alice laughed seeing the sulking face Rosie was wearing.
But the young girl didn't mind,
at least the earlier feeling is completely vanished after Alice made the atmosphere lighthearted.

Returning to her room have never been contenting to roseanne after her sister wouldn't stop with the teasing.

She didn't even combed her hair when she rashly entered her sister's room from being scared.
She was brushing her hair when the lights suddenly shut down.
Roseanne prayed to God that it's not a power outbreak or else she'd have to sleep in her sister's room.

Playing with her hair is the only thing Roseanne could do to ease down her nervousness while she was moving to her bed, waiting for alice to fix whatever's the cause of the blackout.

Her nervousness returns after feeling the unusual amount of hairs in her head,
her hair's not that thick.
Halting her movements, Roseanne froze in fear of whatever up her head.

The returns and she quickly checked her hair on her bedside mirrors to find nothing unusual there,
Ugh.. i should really stop being paranoid.

“Rosie, I'm in front of your door~”

A chill rose up her spine after the earlier voice appeared again, except
it wasn't inside her head anymore.

The door creaks opened to reveal a grinning lady with black clothing.
But the bloods are still vivid especially on her face.
The woman has a deep and dark eyes with bloodstained cheeks.

“Hi Rosie!”

It said creepily and laughed maniacally.
Her fear increased after seeing the state that the woman is in.
She was even more scared when the woman takes a rapid steps towards her,
but she can't move, her body seemed paralyzed.

Suddenly, the woman gripped her shoulders hard with her nails gripping Roseanne hard.
She frantically thrashed around with the woman still gripping her shoulders hard.

After minutes of thrashing around she finally freed herself,
She got confuse when the figure didn't do any harm to her, but she's no naive.
She knows that the woman may be prolonging her lives for her own amusement.

She got ahold of a knife after she sloppily arrived at the kitchen, still panting from
the running she did earlier.

A hand reach her shoulder again,
all bloodied with rotten skin and chipped nails.
She thrust her knife towards the woman making gasp in pain.
It was slowly falling and losing consciousness, and so was herself.

must be from the fatigue and shock.

Roseanne was found laying beside the supposed ghost, Alice her sister.
Shock was an understatement after the police questioned her the moment she woke up from unconsciousness.



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