I think we're alone now!

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When Niall left me I fell asleep again immediately. I was so tired and hungover that I couldn't help myself. I woke up again around 10 in the morning and as I opened my eyes I realised that Niall was fully dressed, laying next to me on the bed, just looking at me sleep. I was a little bit embarrassed and I had a very big headache so I just looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"Good morning sunshine" Niall said with his sexy irish accent and my whole body got instantly filled with joy. That smile and the hair glowing with the morning light looked so beautiful, like a real angel. I couldn't believe that again I was waking up next to him and I got a bit sad because I felt like this wasn't my place to be.

"Good morning, you beautiful person" I replied..., "did you have breakfast already" I asked, and Niall said that he went out with Shawn and Camila and had a big English breakfast at the pub before they left. "So, are they gone now then", I asked and Niall explained that they had to catch a plane hence why they left early in the morning, meaning that now the house was empty just for the two of us. He asked me what I wanted to do, if I wanted to stay in or go out, we could go and play golf, or just go for lunch, but I said that I had to go back home early before lunchtime.

Niall looked disappointed and asked me why I had to go home so early and I told him that I had to meet someone about a car. "What the fuck do you mean 'someone about a car', isn't that a line from the Sister act movie?" Niall said and I bursted into laughter... "you are making this shit up mate" Niall said all serious, making me laugh even more. I tried to catch my breath and I explained that I had arranged a meeting with someone because I needed to buy a car. "Why do you need a new car" Niall asked, so I explained that a couple of weeks ago I had an accident, I crashed in the motorway and unfortunately it is cheaper for me to buy another car than repairing the damage in the old one.

"Shit mate, why didn't you tell me..., was it serious?, were you hurt?, what happened?" Niall asked concerned, and I told him that it wasn't anything serious, just a couple of scratches and a dislocated shoulder that healed very quickly actually. Niall went silent for a couple of minutes and became a bit emotional, "are you okay?" I asked and Niall just dropped on top of me as I was sitting on the bed, and gave me a huge hug. "don't you ever hide something like that from me, you listening? Ever!!" He said, and he gave me a big kiss and then a slap on my head before walking away.

After this I stripped the bed which was disgusting, and I went to have a shower. In the meantime Niall went to cook me some breakfast and when I came to the kitchen he was waiting for me still looking a bit sad.

"Was anyone injured in the accident" Niall asked. "No, just me... it wasn't anything serious, I just bumped into someone at a roundabout, lost a bit of control, but it's all fine now, nothing happened I'm okay and that's what counts" I told him. Niall, still looking very serious then told me "Can you please rearrange this meeting for another time and stay with me today... please..." I couldn't resist that beautiful sad face asking me to 'please' stay, so I texted the guy from the car and told him I would have to rearrange. Niall immediately changed his face, he suddenly looked so happy and that made me feel happy because I was making him happy (I thought).

We got ready and went out to the golf club, Niall knew that I wasn't a big fan of golf and this was only my second time trying it, so I warned him that I would probably get bored very soon. "Oh no you wont baby.. you'll love it" he replied with a cheeky grim on his face. He drove us to the club which was almost empty, it was very exclusive but no one seemed to be playing that day. We played for about an hour and I did have fun, I have to admit it, but mostly I couldn't get over the looks of Niall on his golf kit... he looks so sexy and manly with that bit of chest hair escaping through The neck of his polo shirt, his tight trousers and those hairy arms glowing under the sun. We played for a while and then we went for a walk in the fields.

P6 - Niall and the guy that made him doubtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora