chapter 6

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"Wh-what happend?" Tommy said as he slowly walked down the stairs. He suddenly stopes as he sees everyone staring at him. "What the f-" he looks around to see Micheal and Lee, "What the heck am I doing here?" Tommy says as he comes down the stairs the rest of the way before relising that his hooves are showing (see what the chapter befpre this one!) and that he's wearing a black and white hoodie.

"Wha- no, no no no!" He starts screaming and tries to run back up the stairs before being stopped and grabbed by Ranboo who had recently lerned to teleport. "I know that you're freaking out, but we're going to need you to stay down here." Ranboo says in calm but assertive voice.

Tommys breathing slowly started to calm down as Ranboo kept him in a hug that was tight but not enough to hurt the shorter.

A/N i need to go to bed i have a doctors appointment so im really sorry if this chapter gets shitter after this 2:10am and i should be sleeping :[

🦷small timeskip to after tommy calmed down🎀

"So" Ranboo started as Tubbo sat down after putting Micheal into his high chair. "Can you explain why i woke up with the notification Tommyinnit and blank have teleported to the end?"

Tubbo looked up from Micheal with a suprised face and Lee just kept looking between the four, first at the Ranboo guy who was holding onto voids papa and then at the bee guy.

"Wait, you weren't holding Micheal when I woke up where you? You where holding Lee!"
"Huh yeah"
Ranboo laughed awkwardly while look up from Tommy but immediately looking back down at him after he started to try and get out of their grip again.

"Anyway, are you gonna answer my question freesia?"
Ranboo said.
A/N fun fact! Freesia flower meanings generally include friendship, trust, thoughtfulness and innocence.

fuck it im done, also my reads went from 11.3k to 9 something k, is that normal? sorry for the kinda incomplete chapter, im to tired to continue its now 2:22 and i physically cant keep my eyes open any,ore, thats what ya get for staying up evernight for the pats week. sory for spelling im about to pas out i also tuned ouf my outocorrect cause it was annoyingcause it was always correcting Tubbo to turbo and sice i have ti type "odd" names like that a lot it was just to,uc:[

422 words :[

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