The Visitor

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   Icarus came to the door after a few seconds, and I heard shouting and arguing behind me. I sighed and put my head in my hands, still wondering how my life had come to this. Icarus seemee just as shocked as I was at this boy, if not even more so. The boy's eyes widened at the sight of my friend, and both stood in stunned silence for a moment or two. Icarus was the first to speak. "Y-you can't be real. You can't...i thought i was the only one..."
"So did I." The other boy spoke witb a tremble in his voice from the cold. Silence again. For a little longer this time. And then Icarus seemed to understand that there was a boy.
And standing in a fucking snowstorm.
"Oh my f- what's your name?"
It took a minute, but the boy managed to say, "Theseus. Theseus Minecraft. But call me Tommy, please."
Although I couldn't see my friend, i had spent more than a day with him, so I knew that he was smiling his biggest smile at this mysterious kid who had just appeared on our doorstep. Icarus grabbed Tommy by the wrist, and dragged him inside the cottage, leading him through the hall, past the front room where the others were still arguing, and up the stairs. I stood there a while, mouth slightly open in awe of what in the hell had just happened.

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