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IN WHICH the class of 1A has been having some strange things happen to them, and they decide to find the culprit.


Meant to be an MHA applyfic, but can also be a normal fanfiction depending on the person. 

Basically, Katsuki is known for a lot of things, especially for his attractive face and nasty attitude. It's shouldn't be a surprise that back in Junior high, he had girls throwing themselves at him from left to right. This fueled his ego, but being who he was, he rejected every single one of them, sometimes bullying them to the point of death.

Sure, he didn't intend to. Sure, he told them various times that they were ugly and that they should throw themselves out the window in the hopes of being reborn with a much more attractive face. But he truly wasn't expecting them to be dumb enough to do so, right?

Well, he was wrong, because one person took his words to heart. The next day, there was a bloody letter left on his bedside table, and at school, the dead body of his classmate, hanging from the ceiling by a rope, and on the board, the bloody words of, "Are you satisfied, Katsuki?" written over and over on the board.

Of course he got no blame. In the eyes of the teachers he was a model student. It was impossible for him to be blamed, right? He was Bakugou after all, sure he was a brute but there's no way he'd force a kid to suicide, right? As far as the justice system saw it, the kid had mental problems. They probably killed themselves due to stress. That was the logic behind the case, and it stayed that way all up till he graduated the school.

And that's when his life began to turn upside down. It was the small things at first: whispers in his ear, objects moving from one side to the room to the other.

Then it got worse. Horrific nightmares, his friends dead bodies, a noose waiting for him in the classroom.  His classmates, and other people he knew in his life, began to suffer as well. Hell, one night Mina nearly drowned in her bath-tub, and there was no one in the room. Mineta sure as hell wouldn't do it, he's not the kind of guy to kill anyone.

Yet somehow, through his sufferings, Bakugou couldn't help but realize one thing.

Why was Izuku Midoriya the only person in the class to have not experienced the same demise?


Same day, same room. Bakugou was growing tired of this shit.

"I know this isn't likely," Momo spoke. "But what if it's actually a student with a ghost quirk? It's silly, but it'd make sense right? I mean, 1A isn't the most likeable class in school, not after er. . . " she faltered on her words as her eyes trailed to the blond, instantly ducking behind Todoroki when they made eye contact.

"After they witnessed Bakugou in action," Denki finished. "Plus, you do have a habit of giving us a bad name." Much like Momo, he too instantly hid behind Todoroki as the boy growled in annoyance.

"You saying this is my fault, fucking dunce face?!" he demanded. He would have attacked him as well, had it not been for the principal and his parents in the same room. He scowled, gritting his teeth.

Aizawa sighed. He usually always looked tired, but now his face looked even worse. "No," he replied. "We're not. However, it's a theory, though an unlikely one. There's no one in our school who has a quirk like that," he shook his head. "Not unless they've been lying to us at least."

"Still," Deku frowned. "It doesn't add up. Why go after All Might, or you for that matter? Us, I understand. I mean we're kids, so why not? But the teachers AND Bakugou's parents? That's where it gets out of hand." His eyes quickly darted to the side of the room, which went unnoticed by the others. "Why go for them? It's not their fault their son has a bad attitude," he laughed awkwardly. "N-no offense Aunt Mitsuki, Uncle Masaru."

Despite his family, Masaru laughed half-heartedly. He was the only rational one in his family anyway.

"It's fine," he replied kindly. "Although I still feel it is us to blame. . .for ah. . ."

"Katsuki's shitty behavior," Mitsuki finished with a scoff. "Honestly? Whoever's behind this, I don't blame 'em. If we'd been better parents, or maybe, if I had been a better mother, Katsuki wouldn't be the dick he is today." She ignored her son's glare. "Don't look at me like that, it's true."

"Please don't blame yourselves," All Might stated. "You make your children, but you don't create their minds. You could have been the most loving parents and Katsuki could have still ended up the way he is." He rose his hands quickly. "No offense my boy."

Bakugou scoffed. "Jee, glad to see everyone's on the same page," he replied sarcastically. "But seriously, what the fuck is up with this man?"

There was a silence, everyone in thought.

Mina spoke.

"What. . .what if it's not someone with a ghost quirk?" she whispered, clinging to to Shouji's arm. "W-what if it's an actual ghost?" She frowned. "It'd make sense right? No one at our school has a ghost quirk, not that we know of at least, and well, as Deku said, why go for Bakugou's parents with the intent to kill?"

No one noticed Deku's glare at the wall.

"So. . .a ghost," Kirishima muttered. "A haunting most likely. Guess you've got a point."

"Guess? You can't guess now Shitty Hair!!" He slammed his hands against the table. "What kind of fucking heroes are we if we can't find some stupid ass ghost?!"

This caused an uproar, as his parents and the class tried to calm him, each offering suggestions that could be of use to them.

No one noticed the way Deku's eyes softened at the empty air, or the fact that he'd slip out of the room, unnoticed.


So by now, it should be obvious that this is NOT a nice Bakugou fic. Of course, the writer can changed which character is what, so I guess it doesn't really matter?

Personally, I don't like Bakugou. But unlike some of your morons who like to bash characters and whatever, I don't make it my business to write them like shit. I just got this idea from reading a couple of stories, specifically ones with ghost Deku. It's a rather interesting concept and to be honest, I kind of wish Deku had a ghost quirk instead and came back to bite Kaachan in the ass.


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