Chapter 2

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The device powered down as its purpose was completed. The newly turned shiny blue robot hedgehog lay there on the floor unmoving. Eggman gave a cheer and pushed a button to retreat the glass wall and bars. He giddily went over to look at his newest creation. He looked over and waited to see if his ex-enemy would wake up.

The robotic Sonic then snapped its eyes open. The whites of Sonic's eyes were now black and digital. The emerald green irises were now bright red. His medium blue fur and quills were now shiny and metal. His tan muzzle, arms, belly, and inside the ears were all a metallic gray. He didn't have a mouth, and there were bolts at his checks and on his joints. He had no more feet, and his shoes were now his robotic feet. His back spines, along with being pure strips of metal, also had a thin opening along the underside. That was for the fire that came out from the new rocket that was built inside him. His fingers were also very sharp.

Robot Sonic looked at his former archenemy. Eggman grinned back at him. "Good afternoon, my greatest creation. We have a lot to get done. So get up and follow me. Got it?" He ordered.

"Hmm, and while we do things, I think I'll grab a piece of that pineapple upside-down cake too," He added as an afterthought.

Robot Sonic looked away from Eggman and then stood up. He looked at Eggman again expectantly. Eggman smiled and led the way out of the room. Robot Sonic followed silently and obediently. The only sounds coming from him were his metal scraping and humming.

Meanwhile, Tails returned home and went inside the house. "Hey, Sonic! I'm back! I told you I would be fine. Nothing bad happened," he called out as he came in.

Tails was confused as he heard no reply from the blue blur. He looked in the living room but there was no Sonic. Just a tv that was on, playing some tv show. Tails turned off the tv and began to look around the house. When he couldn't find Sonic anywhere, he began to get a bad feeling. So he grabbed the phone and began to make some calls.

"Hey, Amy. Is Sonic with you? He must have left the house, but there's no note. And he left the tv on," Tails explained.

"No. I haven't seen him. Is he missing?! Could he be hurt?! I was having some girl time with Cream. So he's not at Cream's place. Try Knuckles while I find my love! I'll find you Sonic!" Amy suggested and exclaimed.

"Thanks. I'll try that. Don't freak out too much, Amy. I'm sure he's fine. Say hi to Cream and Vanilla for me. See you," Tails said before hanging up.

"Sonic isn't around here. I've made sure that nobody has been around the Master Emerald! Not even Rogue has been here." Knuckles told Tails proudly. "But if I see anything, I'll make sure to let you know," he then said with concern.

"We'll gladly look for him!" Vector told their fox friend. Tails grinned nervously.

"Uh, no... it's alright. I'm sure he'll show up." Tails said with a slightly nervous chuckle. "Besides, I can't afford that," he muttered.

"Big blue is missing?! I hope you find him soon. We haven't seen him at all, right Shadow?" Rogue said.

"I don't care if Sonic hasn't been seen. I don't have the time to worry about him. I need to leave for my project." Shadow replied. Rogue gave a sigh at her angsty friend and apologized to Tails. Tails reassured her that it was ok, he was expecting something like that from him anyway.

Tails wondered briefly what kind of project Shadow was working on. Rouge would only say it was a personal thing but otherwise promised not to tell. So Tails got back to his plane and began looking for Sonic.

Team Chaotix left their apartment after the call from Tails. Espio convinced the other two to go out and look for Sonic. He was their friend and they should help Tails find him anyways. Besides, Espio had a bad feeling and his feelings were always right. They were searching around the city when something happened.

Every single screen and monitor in the world changed to show Eggman. People gasped as they saw. Team Chaotix looked up to the big billboard in the center of the city. Eggman then began addressing the world.

"As you all may know, I am Dr. Eggman! I have repeatedly threatened this world and have failed. Every plan I've ever had has been foiled by none other than your beloved hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. But this time, things are different. I've reviewed each plan and have learned from them. This plan of mine now will work. You will all be my obedient slaves! In my new Eggman Empire!" Eggman said, pausing to give his iconic evil laugh.

"I know, I know. You're all probably saying, 'what makes this plan so different? Sonic will just stop you again!' blah blah blah. But are you really certain of that? What makes me so sure I will win this time? Why... because I have a new partner. Would you like to meet him?" Eggman continued. He grinned evilly and excitedly for a moment before the camera moved.

Robot Sonic was then shown. He stared at the camera silently with a threatening aura radiating from him. People gasped again as they watched in horror. Eggman's voice was then heard again.

"Yes. This is in fact your beloved Sonic. Your hero is gone now. He lost and I've won. You have no hope. And you want to know the best part? I'm not giving you the chance to surrender. I've built a ray. A large ray that will blast the entire planet at once, giving you all the same fate as you're Sonic. You will all become my robot slaves." Eggman said.

"Sonic, show them the timer." He then ordered Robot Sonic.

The metal hedgehog was seen turning and walking away from the camera. He was close to it, so his head hid the large digital timer on the wall. Robot Sonic stood next to it like a showgirl in a game show. He held a hand out to gesture to it. The timer showed the number 60:00.

"Don't say I was ever generous. I give the planet one hour to try and prevent their ultimate demise. But it will be very hard to do. The ray will hit from the edge of the furthest atmosphere to 20 feet straight into the ground. I win." Eggman finished with a grin.

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