Chapter 3

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The feed then showed only the timer on the wall. Everyone immediately began to panic and scream and cry. Team Chaotix was in the middle of pure chaos in the city. And not the emerald kind. They looked at each other and Espio spoke up.

"We need to get underground! But to get out of range in time, we must leave now!" He exclaimed in determination.

Charmy got distracted by something in the sky. He pointed up. "Wait! That's Tails' plane! He doesn't have a screen in it so he doesn't know! He can save Sonic and prevent the ray!" He yelled. The young bee then gave his teammates a determined look.

"I can go and tell him! You guys go, ok?" He said. But he didn't give them time to listen as he flew after the plane at full speed. He didn't want to lose it.

"Wait! Charmy! No! We need to stick together!" Vector called out, reaching out to him. But Charmy was already up in the sky out of reach and hearing range. Vector was going to chase after him, but Espio stopped him with one hand grabbing his shoulder.

"No Vector! We need to leave now! We don't have the time to chase after him!" Espio told him. Vector gave him a look.

"We're Team Chaotix, Espio! We don't leave one of our own behind!" He argued.

"He'll be with Tails, Vector, which might be his best chance if not with us. But if we want to prevent ourselves from being turned into robots, we must leave right now! Trust me!" Espio argued back.

Vector was quiet for a moment and looked back up to the sky where they last saw Charmy. He then sighed and gave Espio a nod.

"Yeah. Ok. You're right. But how are we going to dig more than 20 feet underground in time!?" Vector asked.

"We're not digging, Vector. There is a place I know. It's an old ninja thing that my village used to have; An underground tunnel. It's at least 30 feet underground. We'll be safe there. Afterward, we can find Charmy." Espio instructed his teammate as he led him out of the city.

Meanwhile, Shadow just got hold of a Chaos Emerald when he saw the broadcast. The only reaction he had was widened eyes at seeing Sonic. He shook his head and looked again just to be sure that what was happening was in fact true. Seeing that Sonic lost, Shadow gripped the emerald in his hand tighter. He used his free hand to punch a hole in the wall out of anger. Then he teleported away. He had no idea that Rouge was out looking for him, worried for her friend and teammate.

Charmy finally caught up to Tails. "Tails!" He called out as he grabbed hold of a wing.

Tails looked over and gasped as he saw Charmy. He immediately slowed down enough to let Charmy climb into the backseat of the plane. Charmy panted a bit from pushing himself so hard. After a moment, he could speak again.

"Tails! It's awful! Eggman! He... He got Sonic! He turned him into a robot! He's got this timer set for this ray that will turn the whole world into robots!" he explained in a panic.

"What!? That can't be!" Tails exclaimed in a slight panic. He looked at Charmy for a second. He saw the look on his face. It was all true. Tails turned back forward with wide eyes, not knowing how to take this in.

"Oh, my chaos. It's true," Tails said in his disbelief. He then got a very determined look on his face. He began to steer his plane somewhere else.

"I'm on my way Sonic! I'll rescue you. I'll find a way to fix this," Tails vowed as he drove the plane to Eggman's base.

Meanwhile, in a specific airship, the Babylon Rogues just saw the transmission. They were all quiet for a moment with looks of shock and disbelief. Jet clenched his hands into fists at his side and he grits his teeth tightly.

Wave was the first to move to one of their computers. She typed on it hurriedly as their big communication screen showed the ticking timer. It was only a short moment, but once she found what she was looking for, she looked at Jet scared.

"Jet. It's true. There's... a big satellite in orbit. It's the ray. I bet it's linked to all the satellites in the atmosphere. We won't be safe even in the sky," she confirmed.

"Boss... what are we going to do? Dr. Eggman won!" Storm asked, also scared.

Jet glared at the big digital timer that dared to count backward. Jet let out a short growl in anger. He wished his desk was here so he could kick it. But after breathing deeply, he finally spoke up.

"No, Storm. He hasn't won yet. We are the Babylonian Rogues! We don't quit, we don't stop, and we don't get ordered around by jerkwads like him!" Jet yelled, pointing at the timer as if it was Eggman himself.

"Wave, set a course at full speed. We're going to that one Babylonian temple, the one my father took me to, to teach me how to lead this team. It goes at least 30 feet under the surface. We'll hide there. Then after the ray hits, we'll take the fight straight to Eggman," Jet then ordered. His team nodded and immediately began getting ready.

"Nobody wins against Sonic. Not until I do," Jet muttered under his breath. He turned and left the room, leaving Wave to steer the ship.

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