Chapter 1: An introduction into the Weirdcore language

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Weirdcore language is a language people in the Weirdcore/dreamcore community may use, it is a mix of different languages key languages included are: Japanese, Latvian, Indonesian and english.
The language takes inspiration from them.
There are also 2 different alphabet types, 1 is normal English alphabet, the other is a completely new style alphabet that fits better with how people in the community type, it also replaces some letters with symbols.
However for starting the language you do not need to use the new style, the only style that will be used is the English alphabet (reasoning because it is difficult to implement the new alphabet so early also it currently only works on procreate) so you can easily use it on whatever platform you desire.

Now let's get to the language part.
The Weirdcore language is (in our opinion) a more inclusive language than most others, it has a lot of different pronouns including neo pronouns (note neo pronouns have not been changed from their English counterparts)
There are 2 versions of they/them/theirs (we are aware this may be confusing however one is a singular version that matches closely with him/he and she/her and the other is for multiple)
Moving on from that, the first chapter will only be including basic words and basic pronouns and a few other simple words, such as I or We.

Now lets begin!

Starting with I (as in "I want that.")
I = Sei (pronounced S-ai)
In a sentence: "Sei Vialtema etou" (meaning "I like you")

Next is You (as in "You are cool")
You = Etou (pronounced Et-au)
In a sentence: "Mitak etou olrit?" (meaning "Are you ok?")

After you we have Me (as in "Can you give me that?")
Me = Jeit (pronounced Jy-t)

Next is Ok (note: Ok can be used as Yes/Yeh/Ya ect there is also a shortened version you may use)
Ok = Olrit or Rit for short. (Pronounced Ol-rit)

Next is No. (as in "No thank you.")
No = Matei (pronounced Ma-tay)

Next is Hello/Hi ect.
Hello/Hi = Tialte (pronounced Tyal-tay)

Now we will move onto basic pronouns.

Starting with They/Them/Theirs (singular)
They/them/theirs = Teljak/Telajak/Telijak (pronounced T-el-jak / T-el-a-jak / T-el-i-jak)

Next is He/Him/His
He/him/his = Taljak/Talajak/Talijak (pronounced T-al-jak / T-al-A-jak / T-al-E-jak)

Lastly She/Her/Hers
She/her/hers = Tiejak/Tieajack/Tieijak (pronounced T-eye--jak / T-eye -a-jak / T-eye-i-jak)

This concludes chapter 1, in the next chapter you will learn how to Introduce yourself, tell people your pronouns and ask people their name and pronouns.

Guide to the Weirdcore LanguageWhere stories live. Discover now