Chapter 1

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An early morning meeting was called in the Avengers tower. All the tired and even hungover Avengers trudged into the meeting room at 9am.

They all sat around the huge rectangular wooden table, all except Tony. Who was lounging on one of the leather couches carelessly in the back.

Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Bucky sat along either sides of the table. Small conversation going on while waiting for Secretary Ross to show up and tell them what this was about.

Wanda sat next to Vision yawning while pulling her cardigan over her hands, Natasha sat in between Steve and Rhodey across the table and Sam sat next to a usually cranky Bucky. Who always wore a scowl.

"Friday please tell me Mr Secretary is on his way" Tony calls out to pinching his nose.

"Yes sir, he just stood out of the elevator" Fridays monotone voice echoes through the now quiet room.

As if on cue Secretary Ross waltz's through the doors making all heads turn "Morning Team" he booms.

They all respond in grunts or small 'Mornings'. Only one not to speak was Bucky, his expression remained stoic. Simply not caring about what he has to say.

"Your probably all wondering why your hear today" Ross calmly states to the blank team staring at him.

"Well the reason is a she, her name is y/n y/l/n. You probably know her as the 'Killer Queen'". Ross says.

This statement causes the team to suddenly wake up, Tony sits up immediately from laying across the chair, Wanda tilts her head, Steve leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. Natasha smirks slightly at the mention of this y/n, Natasha had heard about her work and thought it was brilliant.

Even Bucky showed some form of interest, he leans back in his chair raising an eyebrow. He had heard of this 'Killer Queen' too. When he was the Winter Soldier she was starting to make a name for herself.

He only saw her once, not her face though. One night in a club she was there, mask covering her face. They were rough times for Bucky, years while he was still the Winter Solider against his own will and he knows exactly where this meeting is going and he hates it.

"She's a lethal assassin and he identity has finally been given to us" Ross tells the team. "She's known as the Killer Queen for the obvious she kills men but also for the tattoo she has on her collar bone a sword with a crown on it decorated in flowers. It's a unique design, it's like her signature I guess." Everyone shares looks of confusion and interest. But Steve looks worried, he was the first one who pipe up.

 But Steve looks worried, he was the first one who pipe up

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"Why do we need to know her identity?"

Bucky lets out a breath of frustration causing heads to turn his way, he responds by narrowing his eyes making them all roll their eyes turning back to Mr Secretary who's patiently waiting to answer Steve.

Lust or Loathing? ~ Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now