Chapter 4

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I usually have no confidence issues with men. I step on them in my Louis Vuitton shoes but approaching this tall dark stranger. I was fighting the nerves in my stomach as his piercing gaze never leaves mine.

I strut to the bar and walk straight in between him and his partner. The shock his partners face as I passed them was hilarious but he didn't even look phased. He was leaning against the bar looking down at me. Even in heels he was taller than me and I'm not exactly petite. Our bodies where close and his cologne and natural scent was filling my nose.

Fuck he smells good.

I ignore my intrusive thoughts and focus on my task. "Dan! Another please" I shout over the music. Dan turns to me and nods starting to pour my drink. I see a smirk creep across his face out of the corner of my eye but hold my act together and continue ignoring him. His friend sits back on the stool almost amused watching the interaction. Dan slides me my drink.

I wink at Dan and shout "thanks" he laughs in response. I sip my drink and finally turn to face him. Those deep blue eyes scan my face looking for something but I can't decide what. He meets my eyes and downs the last of his whiskey without flinching.

"I heard super soldiers can't get drunk" I finally speak up in a teasing tone. He's almost shocked but only for a split second. I sip my drink and look up at him through my lashes with my best innocent look.

He laughs coldly sending shivers down my spine.
"She speaks and she knows who I am" he replies flatly , his voice deep and masculine. Kinda hot.

"She knows exactly who you are" I sigh before continuing his burning gaze making me feel hot "She has a name, an actual name not just Killer Queen it's y/n". He tilts his head with an amused look on his handsome face. I hold my hand out to him and he takes it "James Barnes not just the Winter Solider".

His big hand envelops mine and his touch sends heat through my whole body. Fuck it he wasn't suppose to be hot. "Well James, I know why you're here. Your little team of hero's wants me and I'm not sure why but I do know I want nothing to do with it" I smile cheekily and finish my drink placing it on the bar.

The amused look hasn't left his face but his eyes scan my body and I don't miss the hunger dancing in them. I lean towards him closing the gap. I hear his breath hitch and I love the effect I'm having on him.

Leaning into his ear I brush my lips over his cheek and then his ear lobe making his breath quicken.
"Listen James some of us 'villains' like being bad and don't want a super hero makeover like you so you should just go back to whoever sent you to this shit hole and tell them that huh?". He laughs again.

I start to move away but he wraps one hand around my waist quickly, his strong grip holding me there. Now my heart is the one racing. He looks down at me "But your not a villain or bad. Are you y/n?".

I'm shocked by his response and my cocky act falters and he sees that. "Knew it" he adds the victorious smirk on his face annoys the shit out of me.

"Fuck you Solider" I grit trying to pull away from his grip pretending I don't enjoy being pressed against his body. He simply nods with a smirk and looks at his friend who is sipping his drink awkwardly.

"I'm y/n nice to meet you handsome" I say still in Barnes's grip. His friend laughs but his isn't cold but genuine and his eyes are warm and kind. "I'm Sam".

I genuinely smile back and shake his hand. Barnes loosens his grip and I slip out of it. But find myself missing the feeling. Fuck sake this is not good.

I'm about to say something to Sam when a tall scruffy looking man approaches us and looks me up and down like I'm a piece of meat. Gross. He's tall and tattooed but not as tall as the two men on either side of me. Not that I need they're protection but I feel like I have bodyguards. Barnes moves closer to me slightly while glaring straight at the man.

Lust or Loathing? ~ Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now