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I just wanna state that canonically(in the story lmfao), they have no idea how old Ranboo, Dream, SapNap, and Bad are. So they will be constantly referred to by their height, not age(I.e. taller/shorter not Younger/Older) when not using their names.

Techno's arm was healed!

The first thing he did was spar with Wilbur who wanted to test out his new strengths.

Sparring the third physically strongest demon after you just got cleared by the "doctors" after a month of not being allowed to use that arm was probably not a good idea.

Techno had to get used to holding his sword again, easily getting frustrated when his arm started hurting from a month of underuse. Phil had to make Techno take a break every now and then so he wouldn't injure his arm again.

During those break times, SapNap would spar with Wilbur, teaching him about his new strengths and weaknesses.

Bright lights were now a bad thing and if people stood still for too long, he would easily forget and not see that there was someone there in the first place.

However, his eyes could pick up the tiniest of movements and he could see even the slightest shift of color.

SapNap held two oranges side by side. One was an edible orange, the other was poisonous and could kill a human in just one drop of its juice.

Wilbur immediately noticed the edible one was a darker, more muted orange and the poisonous one was a bright yellow-orange.

When the rest of us saw it, the only thing we could really tell was one was shinier like it was wet.

Running the other under some water and it was impossible to tell which one was which.

Wilbur would trill a lot when he would guess the correct colors practically down to their scientific name when asked.

According to SapNap and Bad, his color perception and eye sight is actually one of the best out of all the ones they've tested.

His strength was also pretty unmatched. Roughhousing with the demons proved that.

He easily wiped the floor with Tommy, brute forcing him down onto the ground and actually sliding him back a bit with the force of it.

Ranboo was much more skilled and dangerous than Tommy was. He definitely made us concerned when he asked Wilbur if he wanted him to hold back or not.

When Wilbur excitedly flexed his claws, and challenged Ranboo, he almost seemed to regret his words when the taller disappeared in a cloud of purple particles. When he reappeared, his face was disfigured. His mouth was visible and rather terrifying, glowing pink-purple dagger-like teeth stood out against the dark purple inside his mouth. Six lavender eyes replaced his red and green eyes and he let out a terrifying screech as remnants of his teleportation floated around him.

Tommy had to cover his ears with a whine at how loud the screech was. Wilbur shook his head from the disorientation, but started duking it out with the taller and much more nimble demon. At one point, Ranboo went to go slash at Wilbur's face, but missed by a lot. However, that seemed to be what the taller wanted as a huge gust of wind came from nowhere and knocked Wilbur to the ground. Ranboo went to go for the win, but got tripped up by Wilbur's tail, giving Wilbur the win as the shorter firmly pressed his clawed foot onto Ranboo's chest.

The taller demon growled, twin tails flicking agitatedly, before his face seemed to morph back to normal. The top and bottom eyes shut and remained shut, while the biggest eyes lost their purple glow and returned to their normal red and green. He closed his mouth and it disappeared, the only face of it being glowing purple blood or spit, I wasn't sure.

Tree Turned (Demonic Apocalypse AU with the SMP bois :))Where stories live. Discover now