Chapter 19

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Camille Prologue

I sit and cry myself to sleep knowing that I'm pregnant with rah's baby and he's still in love with asia and even though he tells me he love me i just cant shake the thought of him being IN love with her and it hurts bad. He leaves the house at all times of the night saying its business but i know he's cheating on me, but being 5 months pregnant i cant do much about it. I cant lie and say life has been all good since we found out i was pregnant because it hasn't, it seems as if rah is smoking more, drinking more i think he's stressed and that's not even the bad part one day i came in the house after shopping at the mall all day and he was sitting on the couch upset long story short he put his hands on me for the first time and i could have sworn i saw the devil come out of him i never thought in a million years he would hit me, but that's what i get for thinking he wont treat me like he treated his last bitch and that's where i went wrong falling in love with a thug isn't all that i thought it would be.

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